King Of All Kings
Batman prep time
But goku didnt. I can show you superman pulling a solar system, or punching through time (precrisis, prime, idgaf and you dont either)
Siperman has canon accomplishments that would make goku go into the room of spirit and time for 5 years
But goku didnt. I can show you superman pulling a solar system, or punching through time (precrisis, prime, idgaf and you dont either)
Siperman has canon accomplishments
Pretty much these. I'd say Superman is about equal to SSJ 1 Goku. Once he hit SSJ2, it wouldn't even be close.
Deathbattle be damned.
Death battle showed me just how op Superman is. He needed to be nerfed 30 years ago.
There's no set logic to how strong Superman is. It's whatever the artist feels like drawing that day. One comic he's flying so hard and fast, he leaves our dimension and goes into heaven (), in the next comic he's losing a fist fight to Batman
NOBODY would have watched Dragon Ball Z if they had inconsistencies like that.
Eh, that's a terrible comparison. "Dragonball Z" has only been around since 1984, and had one guy writing it. "Superman" has been around since 1938 and has had literally hundreds of people writing it.
It's stupid man. If Goku fought Majin Buu one episode and lost to Yamcha the next, I'd never watch the show again.
Death battle showed me just how op Superman is. He needed to be nerfed 30 years ago.