yall really be watching these wack ass usa shows too
true detective, banshee, arrowand we're back...yo, what else is good on TV (or netflix) right now? I'm literally watching nothing - been waiting on Suits, but my other nights are bleak other than Modern Family
Finally caught up with this episode. This summer finale, mid season finale and split season nonsense needs to go. Episode was largely disappointing. Harvey and the team eased their way out of an ass whooping. Jessica served Mike something serious and had son scrambling. Rachel must be out of her mind trying to get consideration by a lifting of the Harvard law. I can see this being another SMH moment for this show.
Sheila would get it whenever she wanted. Of course Louis would look through the files. This is who his character is. I just wish they would keep him relatively strong story wise instead of that insufferable cat arc that was shown. Three and one half seasons deep and they still haven't put this fraud business to rest. It's becoming a story crutch as they keep dipping into this well.
These episodes were cool but I would like to see more focus back on the cases. That's what garnered my interest in the first place.
Is it your mission to be the Coli's absolute shyttiest poster on every singe forum?yall really be watching these wack ass usa shows too
You and me both with regards to Katrina. That's a bad one right there. With Donna, I thought it was weird that they did it that way because Harvey's love interest is still Scotty. They made her go with British Harvey to make Harvey show that he cared but we already knew that. I don't see them (Harvey & Donna) entering into a relationship and I don't see them (the writers/ producers) heading in that way either.And this is my growing issue with this show. I'm excited but the whole Mike's fake lawyer deal is getting played out.
I'm interested to see what they plan to do with Katrina, her cute self has just been on stand by and her character has been hardly fleshed out. They kinda brought Donna's character down a bit by letting her slut it up with that fake ass British Harvey.
I hope Wendell Pierce gets more screen time, as great as this cast need it could badly use some people of Color. Jessica isn't enough anymore.
On another note, I'm jealous as hell of Mike's character. You get to smash Rachael on a daily and The Bunk could potentially become your father-n-law.