Call me crazy but I think it's going to get worse and the cause is our increasingly connected world with social media and everyone having a phone.
Think about disconnected people look awhen you walk about and see them only engaged with their phones like zombies. I'm guilty of this too.
It's an addiction and as more people consume their being and life into this world I think they become more and more removed from the world around them in a tangible way. Hobbies and satisfaction in things that take place offline whether it's reading books, camping, playing a sport, and simply going outside and enjoying and engaging with the world around you is a decreasing aspect of people's lives. Now this is being substituted with consumerism of constantly trying to acquire new products and unsatisfying engagement with things like seeking likes and attention online constantly or engaging in the constant negativity online.
All and all the above is a very depressing and what one could conclude a meaningless existence. Suicidal feelings are usually spurred by feelings of hopelessness and pointlessness of life. All the above can increase those feelings and will increase incidents of suicide.