My favorite bag in the gym by far is the double ended bag, so I looked online when I knew gyms were closing and found this. Made one myself for like $10. Its developed my reflexes both offensively and defensively better than anything else since I started training a couple years ago.
Double end bag and slip bag are great if you can't have a heavy bag.
You can even do small ball dbl end bag if sound is an issue.
Winning do a great one.
End of the day it comes down to how into boxing you are.
If you just like punching a heavybag for the power and feeling of punching something, then that's cool.
But if you want learn where your hands should be after you throw, where you can put your head before and after etc, dbl end and slip is the shyt.
Heavy bag don't hit back, but dbl end kinda do.
Once you get good at dbl end bag you can do punch out drills to if you trying to get fitter and lighter.