But if you want an unbiased opinion, TECHNICALLY...Free's rhyme schemes / delivery is more advanced than Styles, they just sound at times because of his voice. But if you actually broke down his schemes, and saw how he'll take one line from bar one.....rhyme a bunch of shyt, then not bring bar one's ryme back until bar 4 or 6, then it'd make sense.
Styles is just the better rapper IMO and in my top 10 of all time possibly. MY top 10, fakkits.
SP the Ghost has one of the best deliveries. He's like Prodigy from the standpoint that they could say a simple ass bar but because of their presence they make it sound so hard n/h.
Free definitely has the more rappity rapper skillset but SP still has bars. I don't like this comparison though b @the rhyme king
SP rarely ever uses multies