Study: 11 Million White Americans Think Like The Alt-Right

Killer Instinct

To live in hearts we leave behind is to never die.
May 1, 2012

It's not just 11 million, it's significantly more, and this tendency by some blacks and "good" whites to delude themselves and minority children with these beautiful lies instead of the ugly truths is a major reason why things will inevitably and violently come to a head. America never dealt with it's bloody racial history and it's propensity towards sadism. It simply opted to pretend as if it never happened and that the country was "better" than that and moved beyond the sins of the forefathers. Apologize to blacks for what you did and continue to permit. Reparations are also overdue. Stop permitting the flags of losers and symbols of hate (swatiska & confederate flags/) under the guise of free speech. It's hate speech, and if you continue to allow those ideals to boil, eventually, it will boil over. Disregarding the significance of nazi reach via internet is also irresponsible, and yes, I said nazi because that's what they are. I refuse to humanize the animals we'll all have to eventually deal with by labeling them the, coincidentally, "politically correct" term of "alt right."

They talk as if it's 1998 in that article as opposed to nearly 2019. Hundreds of millions have access to high speed internet in their pockets. Whites have always been hateful, but they have absolutely been radicalized by the rhetoric on the internet, and it isn't just the baby boomers. Wisely, the youth have been targeted and will be the ones to violently mobilize against not only blacks, but any miniority whom doesn't fit in their Utopia of a white ethnostate. This isn't Chips dad's Republican party, these are Neo Nazis, and their reach goes a lot further than many pundits and cowards are willing to admit. The internet is being used to rally the youth. Fox "news" propraganda is being utilized for grandmom & grand dad and everyone in between. It's on in countless of doctor and dentist offices. I'm sick of seeing minorities and "good" white people pretending this hasn't happened and that this will all remedy itself with a few million ballots. This has ALWAYS been about ethnic cleansing, and while it's jarring to see play out in real time as opposed to in between the pages of a history book, minorities from every walk of life need to be aware of this reality. And if you're still the gullible or idiotic pedestrian whom still believes it's about "legal" immigration, then I'll allow Laura Ingraham to clear up and confusion or reservations you may have.

“In some parts of the country, it does seem like the America we know and love don’t exist anymore,” she said, with videos of agricultural work playing over her shoulder. “Massive demographic changes have been foisted upon the American people. And they’re changes that none of us ever voted for and most of us don’t like.”

Much of this,” she added, “is related to both illegal and in some cases legal immigration...."


Don't allow these people to irresponsibly lull us into a false sense of security with the idea that it's only a miniority of white Americans whom want you, your mother, your father, your grandmother, your children, and your closest friends eradicated. Don't allow them to downplay the reach of technology and the internet. America has opted for that beautiful lie approach for hundreds of years as opposed to actually dealing with it's hate issue, and this is the rising climax of that cowardly, lazy neglect. Cause and effect. This is real and it'll get worse before it gets better. Anyone telling you otherwise isnt being honest.
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2021 Grammy Award Winner
May 2, 2012
Y’all keep saying way more like y’all done a study. This is a good figure to begin with. He’s measuring people that are in the cracks, not all people that identified. And the standard by which he determined what puts people in that demographic was a good set of factors, especially the white victimisation claim; whites who feel like victims will almost definitely side with white supremacy ideals.

That’s why I try not to think like a victim even when I’m taken advantage of, because it’ll lead you to some places and people that are negative. Sometimes that is...


Jan 12, 2017
You’re naive as fukk if you think this
What I'm saying is that there are more racists than alt rights. All alt right's are racists but not all racists are alt rights. I believe capitalism is almost 1:1 with white supremacy, most people in the world contribute to white supremacy.

King Khufu

Jan 1, 2018
At Ur Mama's Bando

America has ALWAYS been about ethnic cleansing, and while it's jarring to see play out in real time as opposed to in between the pages of a history book, minorities from every walk of life need to be aware of this reality. Cause and effect. This is real and it'll get worse before it gets better. Anyone telling you otherwise isnt being honest.

Fixed it!:troll: