Studio head of InXile confirms there next gen RPG uses Unreal 5


May 6, 2012
:yawn: This is gonna be a long one but I got time today cuz.


Microsoft showed of footage of there games as early as last year, that includes halo and hellblade. And then in game bright memory infinite with the 3rd party trailers.
Already off to a bad start. :mjlol: Oh boy. Halo? You saw gameplay footage of Halo and Hellblade 2 last year? :ohlawd: Where's this video? Let's see what is gameplay video defined as:
A gameplay video is a clip of direct footage from a video game and its primary purpose is to show gamers how a game plays.
So where's the gameplay video that shows how Halo Infinite and Hellblade 2 plays? Also Bright Memory was already shown since JUNE 2019. This wasn't a first look at the game.
Video date June 2019
It's already OUT in early access on Steam so wtf are you talking about?

Since when is showing a game that's already out on early access and shown a year ago a exclusive reveal? It's misleading. If UE5 was shown already months earlier on PC then it'd be an apt comparison.

Last week epic a 3rd party company that makes the unreal engine released a demo running on a ps5.
What did that turn into?
"OHHHHHH this is what we wanted from microsoft!"
"Sony won!"
"Sony showing microsoft how to do it!"
"Can't wait to see more of this engine!"
"What's gonna be the next game using it?!"

"I thought the PS5 was gonna be weak?!"
Yeah, of course people would say that! Why? BECAUSE IT WAS A LIVE, IN GAME DEMO BEING PLAYED. Again, where's the LIVE, IN GAME DEMO BEING PLAYED or clip of said gameplay for Halo Infinite(which btw is a cross gen game) and HB2? Put up or shattap :ufdup:

Two, it also showed a CLEAR jump in tech/visuals than what's out now and third it was shown running on PS5 which was being concern trolled to death by Xbots about it "only" being 10.2 Teraflops and how XsX is going to be so much better so on and so forth.

It's like as soon as anything attached to ps5 gets talked about sony stans absolutely lose all reasoning

This sounds more like some sort of pathetic fanfic story involving jealousy. Get a damn hold of yourself we're talking about games not bytches nikka. The only reasoning that's lost is YOU. You just upset over people hype about a product not from your favorite company. You reaching Shinra company levels of stanning now.

No one here especially xbox players have said the ps5 was going to be weak, weaker than xsx sure but that's a given and known.
:laff: Nice one.

It's been sony stan's trying to prove how a fast SSD is going to change the face of gaming, which sure it would... If it had all the other necessary parts and the XSX was still using a HDD. The XSX SSD is more of a game changer when combined with the total package. It's almost like having a crazy souped up crankshaft cylinder in a car so you can get crazy speeds but having an standard size engine to push out the power... The potential is there and you can do a bunch of stuff to work around having a smaller engine size, but when it's all said and done having the whole car being souped up>>>>>> having one part turbo charged.
I'm not about to get into a tech breakdown. You sounding really dumb with the "if it had all the other necessary parts". What parts? What parts is it missing? How can PS5 just be weaker than XsX in certain aspects but suddenly lacking these necessary parts to make a shift?

The analogy you're giving off here is easily fanfic I"m sure you and the other Xbox zealots cocked up on your free time. The mere mention of PS5's SSD being objectively better than XsX's SSD has y'all going nuts and trying to cope with reality by making invalid claims about how said SSD isn't going to do much(but at the same time will do a lot since you know XsX has a SSD also). Claims of XsX theoretically outdoing PS5's SSD because of slept on secret sauce that will virtually eliminate any differences blah blah. Just let the PS5 SSD be faster wtf? You saying "Sony stans trying to prove" when it's DEVELOPERS saying that first and foremost. I'm sure you'll just accuse the developers of lying and that they're all first party devs who would always say that. I've posted several third party devs comments who's posted on Resetera, Jason Schrier said 3rd party devs spoke on that too but instead you'll just call Jason a lair when the pendulum isn't swinging in your stan mind's favor. You'll also ignore the multiple devs who has said that but instead post an supposed ex Sony dev who don't have a PS5 dev and who juelzed when another person called him out on Twitter about this "staggering" comment.

Dude said some bullshyt that the PS5 is limited to software ray tracing(when Cerny already said it has hardware RT) and it will struggle on open world games. He then admits he has no PS5 dev kit and tried to back peddle his comment about struggling on open world games.

but y'all Xbots love to post that as if it's somehow true. To make matters worse he's on a podcast with known Xbox super fanboy TIMDOG. Dude is just saying shyt that those nikkas want to hear. Complete conflict of interest.

At least the part that sony has turbo charged will give off the impression that it>>>>>> XsX. Your average person that has game's load 4-6 seconds quicker on ps5 and multiplat games that look similar are gonna act just like people I work with that have an i7 16gigs of ram on a Standard HDD 1TB.... while the other person only has 4 gigs of ram a 250 gigs of space and a single core processor.... But has a SSD "His machine starts up way quicker than mine, can I get one like him?!"
This is... this is why you shouldn't be trying to insert tech talk into your posts when you don't even have a rudimentary understanding of what you're comparing.
Your analogy of having this pathetic coworker of yours with a 250GB SSD with a single core processor... What in the fukk are you talking about? I7 16gigs of ram? You realize Xsx and PS5 has the SAME CPU right? A 3.8GHZ vs 3.5GHZ is NOT something I'd be boasting about. They're both the same architecture, 8 core processors. Your single core processor vs i7 analogy is absolutely stupid on all levels. :mindblown:

SAME amount of ram right?

XsX Memory GDDR6, 16GB GDDR6,
Memory bandwidth 10GB at 560GBps, 6GB at 336GBps

PS5 Memory Bandwith:16GB GDDR6 ram at 448GBps
XsX has 10GB faster bandwith with the remaining 6 slower. PS5's 16GB memory bandwith is faster than the 6GB's of slower ram on XsX. What does this all mean? I don't know nor fukking care. :mindblown:
but at least in the case of M$ and Sony they both are using SSD's thank goodness.

Anyway, unreal engine demo is only hype and big news because it was on ps5, and it's playstation. Plus the fact that sony themselves haven't really shown or done anything for there fan base.
It was hype because it was a clear jump compared to the bullshyt shown at MSFT's stream the week before and on top of that nothing having been shown on PS5 yet while fanboys online kept talking down PS5's hardware as this crappy next gen machine with a barely different SSD.

But don't let that distract yall from the fact that sony hasn't given yall anything but a controller, and a logo. :mjlol:
Is the PS5 coming out next week? I don't see how this matters in the long run. Nobody will be basing their purchase on a console like "Yeah man, I'm looking at that PS5 but wtf breh they showed that shyt all the way in June while we knew about the XsX in December 19'!. fukk that I'm copping the Xbox!" Like gtfoh nobody cares about that. You're online, in a forum so hardcore nerds are more concerned with that. Did the Switch being shown 5 months before release have an impact on it's sales/games negatively? Consoles being shown in depth are typically shown 5 months before reveal in June.

MSFT's strategy is that of desperation to be relevant since they got clobbered this gen whilst Sony moves on their own term since their brand Playstation is way stronger than Xbox right now by a huge margin. 110 milllion sold to what? 50 something million? More than double and you worried about what they doing.

The controller on the PS5 is more interesting than the shyt y'all be geeking over but i'm sure the controller sucks/isn't special either.
While you over here making up stories about how Sony stans and gamers are irrational for being hype, I'm playing Halo and anticipating Infinite. Sucks being a hardcore stan. I like and prefer Sony all day over MSFT no lies about that but I'm not averse to Xbox like I'll never play or cop one if the price/situation is right.
You dudes are completely delusional :mjlol:
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May 1, 2012
:yawn: This is gonna be a long one but I got time today cuz.

Already off to a bad start. :mjlol: Oh boy. Halo? You saw gameplay footage of Halo and Hellblade 2 last year? :ohlawd: Where's this video? Let's see what is gameplay video defined as:

So where's the gameplay video that shows how Halo Infinite and Hellblade 2 plays? Also Bright Memory was already shown since JUNE 2019. This wasn't a first look at the game.
Video date June 2019
It's already OUT in early access on Steam so wtf are you talking about?

Since when is showing a game that's already out on early access and shown a year ago a exclusive reveal? It's misleading. If UE5 was shown already months earlier on PC then it'd be an apt comparison.


Yeah, of course people would say that! Why? BECAUSE IT WAS A LIVE, IN GAME DEMO BEING PLAYED. Again, where's the LIVE, IN GAME DEMO BEING PLAYED or clip of said gameplay for Halo Infinite(which btw is a cross gen game) and HB2? Put up or shattap :ufdup:

Two, it also showed a CLEAR jump in tech/visuals than what's out now and third it was shown running on PS5 which was being concern trolled to death by Xbots about it "only" being 10.2 Teraflops and how XsX is going to be so much better so on and so forth.

This sounds more like some sort of pathetic fanfic story involving jealousy. Get a damn hold of yourself we're talking about games not bytches nikka. The only reasoning that's lost is YOU. You just upset over people hype about a product not from your favorite company. You reaching Shinra company levels of stanning now.

:laff: Nice one.

I'm not about to get into a tech breakdown. You sounding really dumb with the "if it had all the other necessary parts". What parts? What parts is it missing? How can PS5 just be weaker than XsX in certain aspects but suddenly lacking these necessary parts to make a shift?

The analogy you're giving off here is easily fanfic I"m sure you and the other Xbox zealots cocked up on your free time. The mere mention of PS5's SSD being objectively better than XsX's SSD has y'all going nuts and trying to cope with reality by making invalid claims about how said SSD isn't going to do much(but at the same time will do a lot since you know XsX has a SSD also). Claims of XsX theoretically outdoing PS5's SSD because of slept on secret sauce that will virtually eliminate any differences blah blah. Just let the PS5 SSD be faster wtf? You saying "Sony stans trying to prove" when it's DEVELOPERS saying that first and foremost. I'm sure you'll just accuse the developers of lying and that they're all first party devs who would always say that. I've posted several third party devs comments who's posted on Resetera, Jason Schrier said 3rd party devs spoke on that too but instead you'll just call Jason a lair when the pendulum isn't swinging in your stan mind's favor. You'll also ignore the multiple devs who has said that but instead post an supposed ex Sony dev who don't have a PS5 dev and who juelzed when another person called him out on Twitter about this "staggering" comment.

Dude said some bullshyt that the PS5 is limited to software ray tracing(when Cerny already said it has hardware RT) and it will struggle on open world games. He then admits he has no PS5 dev kit and tried to back peddle his comment about struggling on open world games.

but y'all Xbots love to post that as if it's somehow true. To make matters worse he's on a podcast with known Xbox super fanboy TIMDOG. Dude is just saying shyt that those nikkas want to hear. Complete conflict of interest.

This is... this is why you shouldn't be trying to insert tech talk into your posts when you don't even have a rudimentary understanding of what you're comparing.
Your analogy of having this pathetic coworker of yours with a 250GB SSD with a single core processor... What in the fukk are you talking about? I7 16gigs of ram? You realize Xsx and PS5 has the SAME CPU right? A 3.8GHZ vs 3.5GHZ is NOT something I'd be boasting about. They're both the same architecture, 8 core processors. Your single core processor vs i7 analogy is absolutely stupid on all levels. :mindblown:

SAME amount of ram right?

XsX has 10GB faster bandwith with the remaining 6 slower. PS5's 16GB memory bandwith is faster than the 6GB's of slower ram on XsX. What does this all mean? I don't know nor fukking care. :mindblown:

It was hype because it was a clear jump compared to the bullshyt shown at MSFT's stream the week before and on top of that nothing having been shown on PS5 yet while fanboys online kept talking down PS5's hardware as this crappy next gen machine with a barely different SSD.

Is the PS5 coming out next week? I don't see how this matters in the long run. Nobody will be basing their purchase on a console like "Yeah man, I'm looking at that PS5 but wtf breh they showed that shyt all the way in June while we knew about the XsX in December 19'!. fukk that I'm copping the Xbox!" Like gtfoh nobody cares about that. You're online, in a forum so hardcore nerds are more concerned with that. Did the Switch being shown 5 months before release have an impact on it's sales/games negatively? Consoles being shown in depth are typically shown 5 months before reveal in June.

MSFT's strategy is that of desperation to be relevant since they got clobbered this gen whilst Sony moves on their own term since their brand Playstation is way stronger than Xbox right now by a huge margin. 110 milllion sold to what? 50 something million? More than double and you worried about what they doing.

The controller on the PS5 is more interesting than the shyt y'all be geeking over but i'm sure the controller sucks/isn't special either. You dudes are completely delusional :mjlol:


The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
:yawn: This is gonna be a long one but I got time today cuz.

Already off to a bad start. :mjlol: Oh boy. Halo? You saw gameplay footage of Halo and Hellblade 2 last year? :ohlawd: Where's this video? Let's see what is gameplay video defined as:

So where's the gameplay video that shows how Halo Infinite and Hellblade 2 plays? Also Bright Memory was already shown since JUNE 2019. This wasn't a first look at the game.
Video date June 2019
It's already OUT in early access on Steam so wtf are you talking about?

Since when is showing a game that's already out on early access and shown a year ago a exclusive reveal? It's misleading. If UE5 was shown already months earlier on PC then it'd be an apt comparison.


Yeah, of course people would say that! Why? BECAUSE IT WAS A LIVE, IN GAME DEMO BEING PLAYED. Again, where's the LIVE, IN GAME DEMO BEING PLAYED or clip of said gameplay for Halo Infinite(which btw is a cross gen game) and HB2? Put up or shattap :ufdup:

Two, it also showed a CLEAR jump in tech/visuals than what's out now and third it was shown running on PS5 which was being concern trolled to death by Xbots about it "only" being 10.2 Teraflops and how XsX is going to be so much better so on and so forth.

This sounds more like some sort of pathetic fanfic story involving jealousy. Get a damn hold of yourself we're talking about games not bytches nikka. The only reasoning that's lost is YOU. You just upset over people hype about a product not from your favorite company. You reaching Shinra company levels of stanning now.

:laff: Nice one.

I'm not about to get into a tech breakdown. You sounding really dumb with the "if it had all the other necessary parts". What parts? What parts is it missing? How can PS5 just be weaker than XsX in certain aspects but suddenly lacking these necessary parts to make a shift?

The analogy you're giving off here is easily fanfic I"m sure you and the other Xbox zealots cocked up on your free time. The mere mention of PS5's SSD being objectively better than XsX's SSD has y'all going nuts and trying to cope with reality by making invalid claims about how said SSD isn't going to do much(but at the same time will do a lot since you know XsX has a SSD also). Claims of XsX theoretically outdoing PS5's SSD because of slept on secret sauce that will virtually eliminate any differences blah blah. Just let the PS5 SSD be faster wtf? You saying "Sony stans trying to prove" when it's DEVELOPERS saying that first and foremost. I'm sure you'll just accuse the developers of lying and that they're all first party devs who would always say that. I've posted several third party devs comments who's posted on Resetera, Jason Schrier said 3rd party devs spoke on that too but instead you'll just call Jason a lair when the pendulum isn't swinging in your stan mind's favor. You'll also ignore the multiple devs who has said that but instead post an supposed ex Sony dev who don't have a PS5 dev and who juelzed when another person called him out on Twitter about this "staggering" comment.

Dude said some bullshyt that the PS5 is limited to software ray tracing(when Cerny already said it has hardware RT) and it will struggle on open world games. He then admits he has no PS5 dev kit and tried to back peddle his comment about struggling on open world games.

but y'all Xbots love to post that as if it's somehow true. To make matters worse he's on a podcast with known Xbox super fanboy TIMDOG. Dude is just saying shyt that those nikkas want to hear. Complete conflict of interest.

This is... this is why you shouldn't be trying to insert tech talk into your posts when you don't even have a rudimentary understanding of what you're comparing.
Your analogy of having this pathetic coworker of yours with a 250GB SSD with a single core processor... What in the fukk are you talking about? I7 16gigs of ram? You realize Xsx and PS5 has the SAME CPU right? A 3.8GHZ vs 3.5GHZ is NOT something I'd be boasting about. They're both the same architecture, 8 core processors. Your single core processor vs i7 analogy is absolutely stupid on all levels. :mindblown:

SAME amount of ram right?

XsX has 10GB faster bandwith with the remaining 6 slower. PS5's 16GB memory bandwith is faster than the 6GB's of slower ram on XsX. What does this all mean? I don't know nor fukking care. :mindblown:

It was hype because it was a clear jump compared to the bullshyt shown at MSFT's stream the week before and on top of that nothing having been shown on PS5 yet while fanboys online kept talking down PS5's hardware as this crappy next gen machine with a barely different SSD.

Is the PS5 coming out next week? I don't see how this matters in the long run. Nobody will be basing their purchase on a console like "Yeah man, I'm looking at that PS5 but wtf breh they showed that shyt all the way in June while we knew about the XsX in December 19'!. fukk that I'm copping the Xbox!" Like gtfoh nobody cares about that. You're online, in a forum so hardcore nerds are more concerned with that. MSFT's strategy is that of desperation to be relevant since they got clobbered this gen whilst Sony moves on their own term. The controller on the PS5 is more interesting than the shyt y'all be geeking over but i'm sure the controller sucks/isn't special either. You dudes are completely delusional :mjlol:

I'ma do this quick

I made sure not to use the word gameplay, I said footage.

Bright memory is not bright memory Infinite

You are to busy trying to compare how the xsx and ps5 are similar to see that the comparison was simply

Person a with an superior machine, wants or feels like person b, with the inferior machine is better simply because it loads up stuff faster.

I have never ever seen secret tech surpass the limitations of it's hardware.

Does matter what field or what it is applied too.

At the best it allows for optimal use of the hardwares potential..

The ps hype train is insane, let people tell it the epic demo was a Sony masterpiece that Sony had an event for to show off...


May 6, 2012
I'ma do this quick

I made sure not to use the word gameplay, I said footage.
Breh, please :camby: People were disappointed, MSFT apologized because of the "hype" people set up and they showed "footage". people want FOOTAGE OF GAMEPLAY not trailers and quick cuts of third party cross gen games.

Bright memory is not bright memory Infinite
Is this Bright Memory Infinite "gameplay footage" not the same as the one shown on Xbox?


You are to busy trying to compare how the xsx and ps5 are similar to see that the comparison was simply

Person a with an superior machine, wants or feels like person b, with the inferior machine is better simply because it loads up stuff faster.

Your comparison was invalid because you put up a scenario of someone with an HDD and fast CPU vs a fake CPU(single core) with an SSD as if that's comparable. Both CPU's in the XsX will have the same CPU and the SSD in the XsX ISN'T slow. Nobody said it's bad, it's just the PS5's SSD will be better just as the XsX GPU is stronger. You comparing something about load times when it's been said consistently it's not just about load times.
BOTH consoles will benefit from SSD, PS5's SSD is simply better on paper and from devs, it'll be a game changer. You not believing that is your problem.

I have never ever seen secret tech surpass the limitations of it's hardware.

Does matter what field or what it is applied too.

At the best it allows for optimal use of the hardwares potential..
There is no secret tech here, people are simply repeating what they heard devs say and what Cerny himself stated. You keep talking about limitations and I ask what is this big limitation? I seen another Xbot try to splain away talking about some GPU limitation and bottlenecks but they obviously ignored the specifics of how this works as presented by Cerny in the tech talk. Then they revel in joy when they found out the tech demo was 1440P/30fps even though it wasn't even finished and to be frank native resolutions today especially with these great reconstruction means more work can be put into the world than worrying about some native 4K brag. Nobody even knew it wasn't 4K because of how incredible it looked.

Just take a look at how good DLSS 2.0 is(I know it's not on AMD that's not the point)

The ps hype train is insane, let people tell it the epic demo was a Sony masterpiece that Sony had an event for to show off...
:mindblown: It was supposed to be shown at GDC and be playable!
It's multi-platform. Of course the PS Hype train is insane. You expect people to react the same way to Google Stadia as they do to PS5? Wtf is wrong with you guys? You are literally annoyed at people hype for PS5. Lol.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
A gameplay video is a clip of direct footage from a video game and its primary purpose is to show gamers how a game plays.
You broke your whole shyt before you even got started.

The unreal demo was no more “gameplay” than the Hellblade, or other trailers shown at the Microsoft shows.

It was a tech demo meant to show off next gen graphical techniques/features. Same as hellblade.

The unreal demo spawned a huge thread of people incorrectly saying how it was a “Sony demo” that could only be done on PS5. People wrongly assuming Sony first party games would be using the tech and on and on.

Normal logic would say that if the unreal demo was so amazing and exciting that it spawned a huge thread, the first confirmation of a next gen game using the tech would at least be “news”.

I can understand there’s not much other info about the game out so the “news” ain’t that interesting.

But y’all run in here playing dumb like none of that other thread existed and this was just a random post about a random game using a random engine. :stopitslime:


May 6, 2012
You broke your whole shyt before you even got started.

The unreal demo was no more “gameplay” than the Hellblade, or other trailers shown at the Microsoft shows.

It was a tech demo meant to show off next gen graphical techniques/features. Same as hellblade.

The unreal demo spawned a huge thread of people incorrectly saying how it was a “Sony demo” that could only be done on PS5. People wrongly assuming Sony first party games would be using the tech and on and on.

Normal logic would say that if the unreal demo was so amazing and exciting that it spawned a huge thread, the first confirmation of a next gen game using the tech would at least be “news”.

I can understand there’s not much other info about the game out so the “news” ain’t that interesting.

But y’all run in here playing dumb like none of that other thread existed and this was just a random post about a random game using a random engine. :stopitslime:

@35 seconds: "it's a totally live demo and it's replayable and uh it's a little bit different everytime you play it"

So, PLEASE confirm and show me PROOF of where Hellbade 2(the trailer we saw) was a PLAYABLE sequence. I said repeatedly it's because it was a live GAMEPLAY DEMO and you keep talking about Hellbade 2 was no different.

Where's the live gameplay demo of Hellblade 2 being played?

All the other shyt you talking is BULLshyt as usual to deflect from the main point. You're not a 5 year old, you can clearly read what's being said here. Stop the nonsense. A next gen demo showcase vs cross gen game trailers that looked like current gen games is not the same thing. Stop it.


May 6, 2012
Which ones :ohhh:
Breakfall developer:
What John is saying sounds pretty right to me! I don't want to down play GPU power, but I promise everybody that you will be absolutely blown away by visuals on both consoles. However, the SSDs are the big difference when coming into this gen. We're not talking about "load times" in the classic sense. That's an antiquated way of thinking about data coming from your hard drive. For the last 10+ years we've been streaming worlds on the fly. The problem is that our assets are absolutely huge now, as are our draw distances, and our hard drives can't keep up. It means that as you move through the world we're trying to detect and even predict what assets need loading. Tons of constraints get put into place due to this streaming speed.

An ultra fast drive like the one in PS5 means you could be load in the highest level LOD asset for your models way further than you could before and make worlds any way you want without worry of it streaming in fast enough. The PS5 drive is so fast I imagine you could load up entire neighborhoods in a city with all of their maps at super high resolution in a blink of an eye. It's exciting. People don't realize that this will also affect visuals in a big way. If we can stream in bigger worlds and stream in the highest detail texture maps available, it will just look so much better.

I think the Xbox drive is also good! The PS5 drive is just "dream level" architecture though.

John from Digital Foundry

Engine programmer at Id Software(Doom, Rage, Wolfenstein, Quake)


Intel Development

Zeboyd Games
It just seems crazy to me that people are saying the XBOX is drastically more powerful than the PS5 when the raw number comparison put the XBOX at about 8%-20% better than the PS5 in most categories except SSD speed where the PS5 is around double the speed. Like, even if the XBOX was as much as 20% faster/more powerful than the PS5, that's not a huge difference (we're well past the point of diminishing returns on raw power) & with the SSD advantage and possibly more efficient architecture, the gap is likely to be even smaller and could even be in the PS5's favor.

My guess is that for multiplatform titles, you're going to get basically the same experience regardless of which of the two systems you play them on.

This guy was a former ND dev that left ND over a year ago and has his own start up company now. He's a 3rd party dev now.

But instead you'll just say they were paid to say that. I can't with your spinning ass. Nothing negative about Xbox is said but glowing impressions and excitement about PS5=Xbox hate to you. I'm sure you and the other undercover Xbots are digging up random fluff pieces by someone saying something suggesting Xbox is superior just to damper any hype for PS5 :smh:.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land

@35 seconds: "it's a totally live demo and it's replayable and uh it's a little bit different everytime you play it"

So, PLEASE confirm and show me PROOF of where Hellbade 2(the trailer we saw) was a PLAYABLE sequence. I said repeatedly it's because it was a live GAMEPLAY DEMO and you keep talking about Hellbade 2 was no different.

Where's the live gameplay demo of Hellblade 2 being played?

All the other shyt you talking is BULLshyt as usual to deflect from the main point. You're not a 5 year old, you can clearly read what's being said here. Stop the nonsense. A next gen demo showcase vs cross gen game trailers that looked like current gen games is not the same thing. Stop it.

Go back and read the definition of “gameplay” you posted.

The unreal demo was not “live gameplay”

It was a tech demo. Out of the two minutes or so of the demo half of it was non-interactive. The only thing interactive was walking down a corridor and climbing a hill. Minimally interactive on rails stuff.

No more “Gameplay” than anything else shown.
Last edited:


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Breakfall developer:

John from Digital Foundry

Engine programmer at Id Software(Doom, Rage, Wolfenstein, Quake)


Intel Development

Zeboyd Games

This guy was a former ND dev that left ND over a year ago and has his own start up company now. He's a 3rd party dev now.

But instead you'll just say they were paid to say that. I can't with your spinning ass. Nothing negative about Xbox is said but glowing impressions and excitement about PS5=Xbox hate to you. I'm sure you and the other undercover Xbots are digging up random fluff pieces by someone saying something suggesting Xbox is superior just to damper any hype for PS5 :smh:.

All that, and not one actual dev saying.

Lying ass Sony stans said:
devs, it'll be a game changer.

That’s all general praise for the hardware which no one denies.

Y’all turn that into “PS5 SSD IS A GAME CHANGER” “NO OTHER SYSTEM CAN DO WHAT PS5 DOES, NOT EVEN PC” “blah blah blah”

then you claim devs said it.

No, Sony stans said it:mjlol:


May 6, 2012
Go back and read the definition of “gameplay” you posted.

The unreal demo was not “live gameplay”

It was a tech demo. Out of the two minutes or so of the demo half of it was non-interactive. The only think interactive was walking down a corridor and climbing a hill. Minimally interactive on rails stuff.

No more “Gameplay” than anything else shown.
Wow, you are literally the dumbest nikka I've ever quoted on the internet. Tech demo shown live, said by developer of said engine it was playable and it's different each time is disputed as NOT being live gameplay. So it wasn't live gameplay? It was just a video? "it was a tech demo". And? Is a tech demo not playable?

Is PT not a tech demo that's also playable?

Is this not a "tech demo" that's also live gameplay? The clip wasn't someone playing? It was scripted huh?

I guess MSFT needs to edit their tech demo video too.

I swear you are one of the WORST posters on this forum when it comes to discussing things without spinning.


May 6, 2012
All that, and not one actual dev saying.

That’s all general praise for the hardware which no one denies.

Y’all turn that into “PS5 SSD IS A GAME CHANGER” “NO OTHER SYSTEM CAN DO WHAT PS5 DOES, NOT EVEN PC” “blah blah blah”

then you claim devs said it.

No, Sony stans said it:mjlol:
So the words "It'll be a game changer" has to be the exact wording to come out of someone's mouth for it to be believable? That exact diction? Shut the fukk up.

Ignored. You're not worth my time. You're just wasting time on bullshyt deflections.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Wow, you are literally the dumbest nikka I've ever quoted on the internet. Tech demo shown live, said by developer of said engine it was playable and it's different each time is disputed as NOT being live gameplay. So it wasn't live gameplay? It was just a video? "it was a tech demo". And? Is a tech demo not playable?

Is PT not a tech demo that's also playable?

Is this not a "tech demo" that's also live gameplay? The clip wasn't someone playing? It was scripted huh?

I guess MSFT needs to edit their tech demo video too.

I swear you are one of the WORST posters on this forum when it comes to discussing things without spinning.

So you no longer agree with your definition of “gameplay”?

“A gameplay video is a clip of direct footage from a video game and its primary purpose is to show gamers how a game plays.”


Does the unreal demo fit this definition?