Student loans almost cost me a job opportunity


Devoted Joel Embiid hater
May 1, 2012
New Orleans
Just go ahead and pay them off. Most ppl are only concerned with what's currently outstanding. You can always make up a bs story about how the charges were incorrect and you tried to dispute them but they ended up on your report anyway or a relative used your information without your permission. Pay everything on time going forward and you shouldn't have anything to worry about.
how did the interview process go? what kind of questions did they ask? Im majoring in finance and applying for internship. I'm going into my senior year at LSU and need some guidence in the worst way :heh:


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
I'll keep it 1000. I didn't make a single friend in college. Got really close to some people I already knew, dated a bit, and lost some friends.

But I didn't make any positive connections with new people and it's had a negative impact on the way I see people.

They probably weren't your friends anyways :yeshrug:

Hijo de luna

Sep 3, 2014
how did the interview process go? what kind of questions did they ask? Im majoring in finance and applying for internship. I'm going into my senior year at LSU and need some guidence in the worst way :heh:
I got a degree in Accounting in 2010. I didn't have an internship, only warehouse experience so it took me a little over a year, and about 10 interviews, to get my break. Accounting and Finance is one of the most difficult fields to get your foot in the door. I wanted to work for an Accounting firm do the CPA etc but I ended up getting into Finance as a Credit Analyst. Entry level, I was basically collecting accounts receiveable for a couple of years, then I was granted LOA to approve credit limits.

Entry level interviews are the annoying ones, "what are your strengths, weaknesses:comeon:", you provide them with a prepackaged bs answer. I hate that shyt. This last interview was on a much higher level. I sat with Finance Manager, Supervisor, and two of their top Analysts. It's nerve wracking talking to several people, all eyes on you. I stumbled my words more than I would have liked. But basically we just talked about what I currently do, what they are looking for, how my skillset will fit with their group etc. No lame questions. I was 90% in the door before my interview because I worked with the husband of one of their top Analysts. They gave me a good reference.

I'm not really big on purposeful networking, people see through that shyt. Let the quality of your work and character guide your career. When you do land your first gig, just be a team player, always speak your mind but in a way that people understand without being offended. The Accounting/Finance industry is extremely small, people move around a lot. I've been at this job four years and I know somebody at just about every major investment bank in the city. I literally had 4 people saying, "give me your resume, come work with me". I'm not even a fun, talkative guy imo. I just work hard and help people when they need help.

Get in the door, have great work ethic and you'll be fine. You'd be surprised at how many people you meet. If you ever want to start your own business, you'll know some talent that you can reach out to. I honestly wouldn't want to be in any other industry right now.