I didn't know this was possible
295 isn't a whole hell of a lot. I know it doesn't make sense but I can easily squat more than I deadlift.
I didn't know this was possible
295 isn't a whole hell of a lot. I know it doesn't make sense but I can easily squat more than I deadlift.
It's better than 85% of nikkas that workout can do.
Do swings to up that posterior chain gameDo some more unilateral leg work for reps. Bulgarian split squats, deficit reverse lunges, step ups, etc. You can do all that with dumbbells. This will also help with that "knees could only take" issue. Also try DB front squats.
Judging from your deadlift numbers, you have a really weak posterior chain so you probably want to bring that up as well. Glute ham raises, reverse hypers, hyperextensions, good mornings etc. I don't know if you can engineer something at home that replicates those movements.
Calves are weird, sometimes they grow with a ton of volume then stop growing, then sometimes they grow with little volume and tons of weight. It's a crap shoot you just have to change it up.
He's probably squatting down 6 to 10 inches... ... but I can't say without seeing a video.And he was barely able to dead 185.....
It seems the most my knees could take would be 295 on squats (10 reps..3 sets). My deadlifts are embarrassing..never got above 185.