What’s wrong with having a house in Virginia?? Northern VA is better than where Ibucci’s house in Virginia is . Houses in Virginia are not as expensive as the immediate DC area.
What’s wrong with having a house in Virginia?? Northern VA is better than where Ibucci’s house in Virginia is . Houses in Virginia are not as expensive as the immediate DC area.
Stfu there’s certain terms and phrases that people outside of the field wouldn’t catch on to.
Alot of her type do
When the mods get fed up with their lack of ban power, so they give in and join the troll fukkeryI'm not monitoring nothing, this is a troll thread
Fam the house in Virginia line came from a nas verseMannnn please. I don’t go around having convos about aids, HIV and shyt... that’s not part of my every day vernacular. That acronym is weird af.
you stalking other mens social media? what part of Harlem you from again?
You can pull up on 35th and Indiana tomorrow, near the McDonald's :diesel:
i went to HS with a chick who's like bff with this bytch. She bad Trey Songz ran thru her, all she talks about is her degrees
Barnett sounds like he would be from 110th and Malcom X Blvd.