And just like in the video game T. Hawk was unnecessary. Y'all keep talking about "Them Bones" but what about
and what other video games transferred into good/great anime features?
i would have loved if they did one for World of heroes..where my neo geo nigs at? lol
i had a neo geo..a young adult with dough to throw!!
WORD..props my man..I love how EVERYONE was in it true to form, even DeeJay kickin the head off that robot
You need to watch all 3 Fatal Fury movies, straight piffery and great animationespecially on Mai
We actually got a deal for a NeoGeo CD back in the day, don't ask me howprobably the only kid in the whole neighborhood to have one
i literally used to watch the VHS every dayi was a SF fiend back then
at dee jay wasnt he supposed to be Jamaican?
evil ken