Read this and tell me he there ain't a few bricks missing from his building.
Fighting Spirit Magazine has published the second part of their interview with Hulk Hogan in their latest issue. During the interview, Hogan discussed Sting and how he tried to get Vince McMahon to sign him after WrestleMania III.
"I have unbelievable respect for Sting - he doesn't realise how good he really is," Hogan told FSM. "Sting should have already had his New York (WWE) run. I'll tell you something; when I got red-hot after WrestleMania III, I was begging Vince to get Sting in the WWF so I could turn heel at some point. He had the blond hair, he was 10 times more athletic than me, and I believed this guy could have the same run as Hulkamania, but take it 10 times bigger. I was telling Vince (McMahon), 'Let me get this guy over', because after beating Andre, if they'd brought Sting in and had him beat me, it would have made him this tall (gestures with his hand above his head).
"But Sting wouldn't come; we tried and tried, but he just would not jump. Vince even talked to him last year, but still Sting wouldn't go."
The six-page interview with Hulk Hogan is in Issue 91 of FSM, available this Thursday from WH Smiths and Easons in the UK and Ireland, and for iPhone/iPad and Android via
If memory serves Sting didn't get red hot until that match in '88 against Flair right? :duckhogan: