I remember my grandma wanted to change the channel over that
I guess your grandma wanted you to waste money because Austin cut that promo on a PPV (Mind Games Sept. '96)
LOL @ this whole segment
Pillman: "Our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves because the birthplace of freedom has become a cesspool of drug abuse, battered women, and welfare recipients"
Owen: "The last few months Bret has started to accept that I truly am the best Hart. He's getting older, he's getting slower, he's not the technical wrestler he once was and he's finally admitted that I truly am the best there is, was, and ever will be"
Austin: "The bottom line is when Stone Cold's in the house, Bret Hart is at his house because he's scared of Stone Cold"
" As soon as I rolled into the WWF, Bret Hart you packed you bags and took your carcass back to Canada"
Pillman: "Are you trying to say Bret Hart's a chicken?"
Austin: "Bret Hart don't even qualify as being a chicken, he's the slimy substance that runs out of the south end of a chicken"
"Let me make myself clear, if you put the letter S in front of Hitman you've had my exact opinion of Bret Hart"
"And that's the bottom line because Stone Cold said so"
Pillman: "And Philadelphia sucks because I said so"