Should have never went to the WWE. When people think of his time in the WWE they'll only remember him loosing. 

Lost to HHH and then Rollins on a C PPV
Shook HHH's hand after HHH cheated to beat him and then HHH proceeded to cut a heel promo on him an hour after the match
Never even stood in the same ring as the Undertaker despite repeatedly asking to face him
Literally the woat run
What does wwe get from that ? Promoting a match that can't happenThe bolded is the biggest crime out of all this. Even tho Austin/Hogan, Austin/Goldberg never faced each other in a match, at least we still have moments of them in the ring together. I have no faith in them doing that for Sting/Taker
I still have no idea why they passed on Sting/Taker last year
Dude came out on Raw the night after WM and the whole crowd chanted Undertaker
That's basically the whole point of sting coming over to the wwe.![]()
Fixedwent out like Ewing on the Magic.