@duckbutta you stopped watching breh
I just saw us take a running back while we got 3 AND I watched my favorite college player who is a local talent go to the team I hate the 2nd most in the NFL behind the giants...all within an hour of each other...
I'm psychologically scarred at this point...I may never watch another nfl draft again...
It's like finding out I won a secret grand prize and it's another thing that I already got 3 copies of...and then I found out the woman of my dreams is fukking some dude i hate...and then twice a year she going to send me tapes and emails of them fukking...and it plays in the background while i try to figure out how to use this new prize that I already got multiple copies of...
I fukking watched about 7 hours of old Spurs games today just to numb the pain...:sadswagboyz:
And to top it off I peeked in this thread and found out we took a guy with the second pick who is not even a lock to play this year at all...