Wait till he sees photos of some of the bytches he fukked back when he wasnt seein shyt 

Aint no way he can see, because if he really have his sight back, once he peeped that hair line... he would be rocking a Steve Harvey cut
I didn’t read a single post in this thread, but I got a story to tell. I worked a private event for the company I work for. They have all different types of performers come through, and they get paid ridiculous amounts of dough to perform for like an hour.
Stevie Wonder was the special performer one night. Dude was being walked into the stage as everyone went crazy when they saw him. As he was getting walked to the mic in the middle of the stage, there were a bunch of wires that he’d have to step over in order to get to the mic. When he (and the dude walking with him) got to the loose wires, Stevie literally hop, skipped and jumped ALL the damn wires. Didn’t touch a single wire.
Everybody in the crowd was just like
And then it was
Followed by
Then finally
We felt like we got got... all these years man.
I shyt you not. I’ll never forget that night.
Don’t matter tho.. he blew the fukkin roof off the building.