I just wanna put it out there that a lot of y'all were doing the same kind of deflecting when some of us on here questioned the Nightclub shooting that happened recently. Then you had numerous videos come out about the situation with evidence of it being a false flag event. All I'm saying is don't be surprised if we do find out this whole thing was another false flag event, cause none of this is adding up at the moment. How do the Police admit to talking to dude on the phone, but can't ping his location? There were multiple times as a kid where I would accidentally dial 911, then hang up and the Police would show up at my door.

Cleveland residents also were saying it doesn't seem like they're even attempting to find dude; no helicopters in the sky after the incident, nothing. We could go deeper into the situation as far as numerology and specific words/names used, but to each his own.
Someone with the last name GODWIN just so happened to be killed on Easter Sunday and spark national outcry. Could be just a coincidence, but who knows.