Nikka, how the hell are we supposed to discredit your beliefs if we can't pinpoint them?
I mean, discrediting people's concept of God used to be easier than this.
They would believe the Bible is the word of God and we'd just point out the innumerable fallacies of that conclusion.
I guess nikkas caught on because now they custom make their beliefs to avoid being disproven. I mean, what the fukk are you saying? You don't believe in the Bible but you believe in a higher power? Do you believe this power to be impersonal? Do you think this power created us? Do you think this power has an effect on our daily lives? Are you a monotheist, a polytheist, a deist?
I'm an atheist that wishes there was a god to set you making-shyt-up-as-we-go-along ass nikkas straight. Too bad there isn't which means most of you will die in your ignorance.