But you clearly do if you think atheists are lacking in morality.
So why do you need a christian man to be able to do that?
Thats not good enough. Just admit you're picking and choosing and i'll let you live.

Thats actually called biochemistry and physics.
Try again.
Are you fukking stupid?
Science is a method, not a thing. It answers questions to a reliable degree through testing and evidence.
If elephants had opposible thumbs I'm sure you'd feel a little threatened.
The earth's distance to the sun isn't a perfect circle, its elliptical and it oscillates.
Aren't you a science major????what fukking school are you in?
Clearly. You're a fukking idiot asking questions a high school physics student should be able to answer.
Do us ALL a favor and watch Cosmos with Neil Degrasse Tyson.
he answers all this petty shyt.