They could've done both. To do your reveal and focus on TV was just dumb. I'm sure they'd even admit it. And to confirm alot of the negative rumors that were out there was the icing on the cake. (Thurott was right).
3rd console curse is real.
It was dumb to you and the rest of the Internet fanboys. But it was a very wise business decision. Mainstream America loves what they saw as do investors and the rest of the entertainment industry. The only ones that think it was dumb are by far the smallest demographic with the least amount of purchasing power. The 18-26 year old "Internet outrage" crowd is least likely to have $600 to spend on a console at launch. The younger crowd doesn't care about "always online" because they don't remeber a time NOT having the Internet. The older crowd such as myself have families and look forward to the broad entertainment options. Hell there are probably more dedicated fantasy football fans than there are dedicated gamers. It's a loosing business plan to pander to the smallest demographic.