Dap me up brehs 

Dudes don't understand...that shyt largely applies to the GOVERNMENT and even then you can't walk around saying you're gonna merk the POTUS.You do have freedom of speech though.....doesn't mean that it won't have repercussions.
Saint Christopher Walken 19 seconds ago
The only thing I can see that Mr. Sterling did wrong was in being an old, rich white man who believed that his communications to those he trusted would remain just that; private. But because some of his more unsavory thoughts were made public, we now know that Mr. Sterling is a racist --- not a skin-headed, cross-burning, card-carrying member of the ΚΚΚ --- but just your ordinary, everyday, humdrum, garden-variety, closet-type racist.
Now for a bit of harsh reality...
Though I expect most of you to respond to the following with predictable, sanctimonious bleats of outrage and denial, the bitter truth is that Mr. Sterling is the kind of racist that almost everyone, regardless of race or ethnicity, happens to be --- the kind who will deal with just about anyone in a public setting, but are more discriminatory when it comes to the company they would keep on a personal level.
My question is: Why does anyone have a problem with that?
Why do some people cleave to the notion that, in an absurd effort to promote racial harmony, we should sacrifice what little free time we have by hanging out with one another? I mean, what more about Black History do they believe I might glean by my holding company with a group of black people?
Don't get me wrong here, - as I have absolutely nothing against black people at all and I'm more than willing to live in a world of equality with them.
I have nothing against hicks or homosexuals either,... but I've no desire to learn any more about hick-living by tailgating with them at the next NASCAR event, - nor about homosexual lifestyles by chillin' with LGBTs at a Gay Pride rally.
Remember a few years back when Attorney General Eric Holder stated that America is "nation of cowards...", and that, "... America in the year 2009 does not in some ways differ significantly from the country that existed almost 50 years ago."
Of course, this is the same guy who refused to prosecute the New Black Panthers for intimidating white voters OR for their placing of a bounty on an alleged 'white' murderer of a black youth, so it's difficult to take that blatant hypocrite seriously when he chastises America about its racial issues?
In a way, however, Eric Holder was right when he called the U.S. a 'nation of cowards', - but he was wrong to place such cowardice on our race relations. Rather, we are a 'nation of cowards' because we are afraid to stand our ground against that most decadent of governmental machinations, - that affront to free expression that we've come to know, and meekly accept,... as POLITICAL CORRECTNESS.
Will we, as the people of a once brave nation, ever find the courage to stand up to such a loathsome thing?
For the sake of our heritage,... I hope so.
No Stern would not have. You trippin now cuz. The commish's job is to protect the owners and stern was hardcore about that shyt. Silver is looking at what's best for the entire league. I dont see how you can say its been too long, has it even been two weeks?Nah Silver allowed this to linger too long IMO, had this been Stern from day 1 when the videos popped up he would have been done, now this talk has lingered and engulfed a exciting ass playoffs
Investigation my ass it was Common knowledge about Sternling
Stern aint have the platform to attack Sternling off of hearsay, if he did Stern would have to ax any owner who made racist comments and that could have got ugly, this situation was giftwrapped to a brand spanking new commission and he didnt drop the ban hammer instantly, he couldnt get the job done, whats the pouint of getting rid of your colon after the cancer already has spread it's the same principal, we may not even be talking about this today had that happened and he had been banned instantly, now every single news station will be talking about this shyt the whole damn playoffs
champ 51 seconds ago
So does this mean that every black person that says anything against whites will be treated the same way. You can bet not.Next time you hear one white word we expect the same reaction from the media and Pres.One racist remark from any person better be held accountable as now. We all know this won't happen. We should boycott the NBA since it is mostly black. If I were him I wouldn't sell the team, just shut it down for 50 years.
Dbrain 35 seconds ago
I can understand why the NBA is taking the action that it has, but for god sakes, how about holding people of color up to the same standard when they use the word honky or put down the white race. Spike Lee is one of the biggest racist's on this planet, yet he's allowed to sit in the front row and taunt players. I don't agree with anyone who judges someone simply by the color of their skin, but I am getting sick and tired of the double standard in our society