This was the main thing that made me hesitant to see the movie. Child acting 9.5 times out of 10 is HORRIBLE! Only kids to have ever pulled it off was the kid in the Sixth Sense and the little girl in War of the Worlds. I finally caught this movie last week and the acting was great. Skarsgard was deeply demented. Easily surpasses his brother in acting.This is child acting at its finest. Many Oscar winning films can't even get performances out of kids this good
This was the main thing that made me hesitant to see the movie. Child acting 9.5 times out of 10 is HORRIBLE! Only kids to have ever pulled it off was the kid in the Sixth Sense and the little girl in War of the Worlds. I finally caught this movie last week and the acting was great. Skarsgard was deeply demented. Easily surpasses his brother in acting.
So were all those floated kids at the end dead or could they be rescued like the girl was? Was the little boy floated as well or did the clown just eat him immediately?
A little OT, but check out the guy who play's Mike's skills. Starts at 5:34
A little OT, but check out the guy who play's Mike's skills. Starts at 5:34
Just came from the movies. Pretty good movie. The kids did a amazing job. The writing had them acting and talking just like kids.
Sidebar: White Teens in movies are the meanest most disturb motherfukkkers. That bully was batshyt crazy![]()