“D-d-danger lurks behind you!”Like I said in a previous post dating is a two person thing. Plenty of those girls don’t want to date black at the time.

“D-d-danger lurks behind you!”Like I said in a previous post dating is a two person thing. Plenty of those girls don’t want to date black at the time.
They do what they want. I went to a PWI, was surrounded by white folks, but only dated black women. I wanted a black wife. A lot of these cats in general ain't trying to find a wife so they're just dating whoever they find attractive of any race, then they end up with kids with one of them. My guess is if given the choice a lot of these cats would've maybe preferred a black wife to a white one but got caught up. Plenty don't care either way though
Nah. If were keeping it funky. A lot of black folks on general grow up around other block folk. So when they get into the world, other races seem exotic or special.He didnt think this through and the answer is simple and obvious. Those Black athletes run into a lot more white women than those white dudes run into Black women.
Like I said in a previous post dating is a two person thing. Plenty of those girls don’t want to date black at the time.
But dont white women outnumber white men by a similar margin on campus. And white folks still the majority.Lol! I guarantee at PWIs black women OUTNUMBER blk men damn near 3:1.
GTFOH with the excuses. We got threads where dudes are legit MAD at blk dudes and accusing them of pandering if they don’t want white bytches to say the n-word around them.
And now when even another blk dude is noticing what’s up, you gon say it’s hard for a blk guy to find a blk female when black women obtain degrees at some of the highest rates in America?!
At my PWI, the blk population on my campus was larger than one of the local HBCUs in my state
Just say it’s social conditioning.
Some of ya’ll on this site be hittin them Buck Tales! WHOO HOO!
“Colorism don exist! Dem blk chicks just ugly and making up shyt.”
“Why is his ass making such a big deal about that snow bunny using the n-word. She just playin! Dey pandering to da evil blk wimminz!”
“Uhhh they can’t find any black women! Yeah that’s it!”
“White women most oppressed!”
Edit: Now watch somebody get mad at me for telling the truth.![]()
I've never even seen Tom Brady take a picture with a Black female athlete.
It's a fair skepticism, but you're off a bit.
It's not a racial thing in this case. It's a human one being used for racist purposes. White women aren't some magical creatures being chosen because they're better. They're just always there, and willing. It's literally product placement.
People tend to go for food that's not only available in their environment, but are also within easy reach. So if you control the environment - outside of HBCUs that's easy enough to do with Caucasian tutors, advisors, coaches outnumbering you as a black athlete at almost every turn - you control the "diet". Same principle as poorer neighbourhoods and food deserts, yadda yadda.
But dont white women outnumber white men by a similar margin on campus. And white folks still the majority.
So guys are still running into significantly more white women then black women.
So white girls are just more readily available regardless. Which is why we saying these dudes get with them.![]()
He’s 100 percent correct.
black athletes be falling for the trap every time.
99% of white athletes ain’t checking for black women and damn sure ain’t gonna have them in the crib when they about to start their professional career.