No they are being repealed by the Republican led Supreme Court that Trump inacted during his watch please stop saying stupid shyt agentYes and affirmative action, roe v wade, and various other rights are being repealed under biden's watch? I know it's republicans doing this but what are we arguing about if Biden can't put a stop to that?
Clearly those things are going to happen whether joe is in office or not. He will not save you
Again, what is Biden going to do to stop that?No they are being repealed by the Republican led Supreme Court that Trump inacted during his watch please stop saying stupid shyt agent
I think you missed the part where he said trump is the solution, and trump had this mess figured out during his train wreck of a presidency.spend that 53 mill and load up planes and fly em back
is he wrong though? same thing happening in canada. Refugees are in hotels, taking up all space in shelters but folks born and raised here who are homeless no more room in the inn gotta sleep in the street
Dude said 53 million is not alot of money53 Million for NY migrants is not a lot of money but let the low vibrational morons tell you its insanely more than the amount that Americans receive in SSI/DI, Food stamps, etc
SAS is just repeating right wing talking points like the republican c00n farm pays him to
Both parties hate black people so I don't understand this utopia you think is going to happen if the Democrats stay in power.
He backtrack his comments after he got flame
a new yorker coming with facts and context. propsI hate the low information, low intelligence of this whole topic. Let’s get some straight. The migrant program is 53 million dollars so these migrants can buy food, formula and diapers for their family (That’s one), Secondly NYC has a 109 billion dollar budget (6 billion dollars more than projected previously) so bytching about 53 million is absolutely ridiculous and reeks of Xenophobia.
The city just wasted 109 million dollars on police overtime salaries to recapture 500,000 dollars on missed bus and train fees (That’s two)
Third, NYC has massive and I mean massive anti poverty measures for its own citizens. If you are poor the average WIC (Food stamp) payout is roughly around 980 per month (on average). You can go to college and University (CUNY and SUNY) for free.
*Side note CUNY is the biggest Social mobility school system in the country with SUNY not far behind.
With NYC tap and Pell grants you get paid to go to school. TAP refunds are game changers (I received TAP help and can attest to this).
NYC also reduced fair metro cards for city wide travel that only cost 1.45 per ride (I was also a user of this program).
NYC also has a free certificate programs (SUNY for all) and job bank which includes resume help (for free), againI used the free resume services
^^^^ Now if you don’t want use these services that’s fine but please stop with the BS about “What about its citizens”.
this is some hair brained low intellect thought process