he's talking about having fiscal conservative principals but did he know it's democrats who have been more fiscally conservative than republicans who run up the debt every time they're in power.
Like most "black conservatives" he a simple minded nicca that don't see it any less simple than "I'm rich, so I should support Republicans. Because Democrats support minorities and poor folks!"
Just like how Democrats supporting the civil rights of gay and lesbian people means straight heterosexual men are supposed to feel threatened and support fascist Republicans. Because of course supporting the rights of others means you want to undermine and "indoctrinate" people outside of it.
Any measure taken to humanely work out and sustain an influx of immigration is an attack on natural citizens. And all of that Republicans patriotic nationalist pandering fearmongering means they're totally gonna genuinenly do something and punish the rich corporations that bring in immigrants to begin with. Did anyone tell this clown its Republicans and Trump holding up effective border control policy right now and not "Dems."
Asians think the Democrats are doing everything for black people. Black people think the Democrats are doing everything for Latinos. Latinos think Democrats are doing everything for gay people.
To be Liberal is to actually have politics grounded in laws, policy, and egalitarian philosophy of how a stable and lasting society should function.
To be Conservative is to be a short-sighted, childish, self-centered, simple, reactionary fool and useful idiot for the rich who prefer the little people fighting amongst each other. Simply incapable of seeing the bigger picture of politics, government and society abd incapable of thinking freely and critically about things.