A player qualifies for the DPE, which can be used to give a player a contract extension or to sign him as a free agent, if he does one of the following:
1. He makes one of the three all-NBA teams or is named either defensive player of the year or most valuable player the previous season.
2. He has made one of the three all-NBA teams or has been named defensive player of the year in two of the prior three seasons or the league’s most valuable player in one of the three prior seasons.
And this crucial stipulation: He has to be on the team that drafted him or has to have been traded on his rookie deal to another team.
Curry covers that entire narrative. Seeing how he was the 5th highest paid player on his team, $207 Millie is an gigantic upgrade. KD, Klay, Green, someone is going to end up leaving because of money. KD is too big time for them not to pay him, so it's between Klay and Green.
As for Bron, every player could make more money in the 2017, as the cap increases thanks to the TV deal and CBA. Dude is lined up to make $220 Mil and better. This and his lifetime Nike deal, he might end up being a billionaire while still playing.