You need to lift to build muscle mass, or else all that cardio you're doing is going to eat up the little muscle you do have. While the numbers on the scale may decrease, you won't really see it reflected in your appearance. MMSex had a before and after picture where he lost 20 lbs but you could see no difference between the two pictures because he wasn't lifting. I am a cardio queen, and this is something I had to convince myself of recently. I started lifting (finally!) about a month ago, and the amount of change I've seen in my body in the past month is way more than the 3 months prior where I was massacre'ing the treadmill.
I need to renew that gym memebership
Side note, I still been running, but I felt like I haven't made a difference.
With that said, should I be lifting heavy? What areas should I be working out?
Also, here's my daily diet
Breakfast: 1 cup of Honey Bunches of Oats(175 calories) w/ 1/2 a cup of oats(175 calories) and a cup of almond milk(unsweetened is 30 cal and sweetened is 60 cal)
Lunch: Meat(Fish; chicken, or tofu) w/ quinoa and beans or pasta(this ranges from 300 - 500 calories)
Dinner: Same as lunch
Snack: Avocado(240 calories) or a 1/4 cup of nuts(200 to 230 calories)
Snack 2: I eat fresh cut pineapple(100 calories) 1-3 times weekly.
No soda or juices, just water.