I remember there was a video of Mark Hamill coming out of the TLJ premiere and he literally didn't say a word and was

, the leaks all said that he had no idea that they would kill off Luke and Rian thought it would be a nice surprise.
If true that's a true scumbag move.
As for the JJ-cut, TROS feels like a JJ film already. Except for the Jedi force-ghosts NONE of the supposed shyt that was cut actually makes this a more interesting movie.
Finn actually getting to tell Rey he's force sensitive doesn't excuse the stupid ass mystery of him not telling them earlier.
FinnPoe being a thing doesn't sound like Disney cut it at all, it sounds like an idea that they might've rejected but that's different.
To me, this is the result of fans, and lot of y'all bombaclats, giving him an absolute pass for TFA - he went "

guess I'll double down on the memberberries" and ran with it.