Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Official Thread)

Stelio Kontos

All Star
Jan 8, 2016
Sources say they're trying to locate an old rebel base which has vital info which could turn the tide: K-2SO's programming :ohhh:



Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
Oh, I LOVE this idea. It would really be awesome to see SW drop a movie like Beyonce dropped an album with no promo whatsoever. And I bet you it would be a hit because no one would know what the fukk to expect, so they'd flock to the theatre.

Adam Driver doesn’t want any trailers shown for Star Wars: Episode VIII

Adam Driver doesn’t want any trailers shown for Star Wars: Episode VIII

by David Harris (Razor)

We pause the steady influx of Rogue One news, today, to bring you an idea so crazy it may just work: Actor Adam Driver (Kylo Ren) does not want a trailer shown for Star Wars: Episode VIII before the film premieres in theaters in December of 2017…

Actor Adam Driver (Kylo Ren — The Force Awakens) is out promoting Martin Scorsese’s newest film, Silence. And, while doing so, website CinemaBlend asked the actor if he would be happy if Star Wars: Episode VIII debuted in theaters without a trailer. Here is Driver’s response:

I think that’d be bold. I’d love it, yeah! Then no one would know anything. The less people know, I feel like, the more exciting… the more of an event it is.

That idea is indeed bold, and a tad bit crazy, but if you take a moment to think about it, it might just be a brilliant idea. One of the biggest complaints regarding movies right now is that they show too much in all the trailers, teasers, and television spots that pepper the airways before a film’s premiere.

The Force Awakens director J.J. Abrams, as well as Rogue One director Gareth Edwards, have avoided this problem by showing a plethora of trailers with footage that has been largely trimmed from their film’s final cut.

If Rian Johnson wanted to go the no trailer route, he’d have to get it approved by Disney/Lucasfilm, and quite frankly, I don’t see that happening. However, if Johnson were somehow able to pull it off, would no trailers for Star Wars: Episode VIII really make a difference in the success of the film? I don’t think so. This is the long-awaited (well, two full years) sequel to The Force Awakens, and the buzz will carry the film into massive sales regardless of trailers or not.

Norrin Radd

To me, my board!
Jun 9, 2013
Oh, I LOVE this idea. It would really be awesome to see SW drop a movie like Beyonce dropped an album with no promo whatsoever. And I bet you it would be a hit because no one would know what the fukk to expect, so they'd flock to the theatre.

Adam Driver doesn’t want any trailers shown for Star Wars: Episode VIII

Adam Driver doesn’t want any trailers shown for Star Wars: Episode VIII

by David Harris (Razor)

We pause the steady influx of Rogue One news, today, to bring you an idea so crazy it may just work: Actor Adam Driver (Kylo Ren) does not want a trailer shown for Star Wars: Episode VIII before the film premieres in theaters in December of 2017…

Actor Adam Driver (Kylo Ren — The Force Awakens) is out promoting Martin Scorsese’s newest film, Silence. And, while doing so, website CinemaBlend asked the actor if he would be happy if Star Wars: Episode VIII debuted in theaters without a trailer. Here is Driver’s response:

I think that’d be bold. I’d love it, yeah! Then no one would know anything. The less people know, I feel like, the more exciting… the more of an event it is.

That idea is indeed bold, and a tad bit crazy, but if you take a moment to think about it, it might just be a brilliant idea. One of the biggest complaints regarding movies right now is that they show too much in all the trailers, teasers, and television spots that pepper the airways before a film’s premiere.

The Force Awakens director J.J. Abrams, as well as Rogue One director Gareth Edwards, have avoided this problem by showing a plethora of trailers with footage that has been largely trimmed from their film’s final cut.

If Rian Johnson wanted to go the no trailer route, he’d have to get it approved by Disney/Lucasfilm, and quite frankly, I don’t see that happening. However, if Johnson were somehow able to pull it off, would no trailers for Star Wars: Episode VIII really make a difference in the success of the film? I don’t think so. This is the long-awaited (well, two full years) sequel to The Force Awakens, and the buzz will carry the film into massive sales regardless of trailers or not.
If there was any one movie/franchise you could try this with it'd be Star Wars. That said, when it comes to box office returns, I don't think it'd make that much of a difference in the end.

The American

Defending America against cacs
Jan 21, 2016
Too late, we already know it picks up where 7 left off, that luke trains Rey, that the Knights of Ren attack them on ACH-TO, that Benicio plays a corrupt politician, that Finn smashes a PAAG and they ride together on a big Taun Taun. Action takes place at a casino and Han has a funeral.

That the end scene is brainwashed Rey, Kylo and Snoke vs Luke until Finn shows up to save the day. Poe Dameron has conflict with Laura Dern in leading the resistance, and Leia is hurt in action, which will now be used to explain her death that they'll have to write.


May 1, 2012
I'm torn on the Non-Time Skip. I'm sorry but that's breaking Star Wars Tradition. I'm not saying the time jump should be large but to pick up right were the last shot left off is a little too on the nose for me. The Time Skips are important to Star Wars Mythology because they are done to leave gaps in the story and the characters are able to grow off screen before we see them again:

Episode I: Year 0
Episode II: 10 Years Later
Episode III: 3 Years Later
Episode IV: 19 Years Later
Episode V: 3 Years Later
Episode VI: 1 Year Later
Episode VII: 30 Years Later

The shortest Time Skip was from Empire to Jedi which was 1 year, the largest was Jedi to Awakens which was 30 years. They could easily time skip about 1 year and have Dasiy still trainning with Luke. It feels to much like a "Previously on Star Wars Force Awakens" by picking up right after it left off. I'm just happy this is officially going to be Luke Skywalker's movie after he let Harrison have the spotlight on the last film.
They have to show luke training Rey. Ain't no time dramatic time jumps


The Return
Top Supporter
May 27, 2012
The year 3030

‘Star Wars: Episode 8’ Plot Details: Luke Skywalker And Rey’s Relationship Explained By Director Rian Johnson
Star Wars: Episode 8 director Rian Johnson confirmed to USA Today that the next Star Wars movie will begin right where Star Wars: The Force Awakens ended: with Rey handing Anakin Skywalker’s lightsaber to his son, the reclusive Jedi Master Luke Skywalker.

“I don’t want to skip ahead two years,” Johnson said, “I want to see the very next moment of what happens.”

But Johnson took it a step further than describing the Episode 8 opening, revealing also that Rey’s relationship with Luke will be a “large part of the movie” and offering additional details about the plot. Thanks to various leaks, typically to Making Star Wars, it’s long been suspected that a great deal of Episode 8 would take place on Luke’s planet-in-exile, Ahch-To.

Johnson described the internal struggle Rey will be going through. “Part of what she’s dealing with is the realization that she has this power and this gift,” Johnson told USA Today, “She’s taking her first step to coming to terms with this thing inside her that she never knew was there and is just starting to reveal its potential.”

Star Wars: Episode 8 is about Rey discovering the nature of the Force. In contrast with the mostly secular Rogue One, it sounds like Star Wars: Episode 8 will embrace the mysticism and spirituality of the Star Wars universe, with Luke stepping into the Yoda role.

Star Wars: Episode 8 is in theaters Dec. 15.