If he wants 100m, let him sign the QO then walk next year. I would never give a guy who cant score on his own 20 m+Tbf Bookers on a completely different level than Capela but I feel what you sayin. Apparently he wants 100m minimum
If he wants 100m, let him sign the QO then walk next year. I would never give a guy who cant score on his own 20 m+Tbf Bookers on a completely different level than Capela but I feel what you sayin. Apparently he wants 100m minimum
That signing took the air out of the league lmaoo
Everyone gave up..
Issac will be better than Ingram Mark my words
He's only a month older too, so it's not like some big gap in terms of development.Ingram has a better jumper, better handle, is a better playmaker, better attacking the rim, better footwork, better scorer period
And he can defend 4 positions
Will Isaac even avg 10-5 this season?
Ingram has a better jumper, better handle, is a better playmaker, better attacking the rim, better footwork, better scorer period
And he can defend 4 positions
Will Isaac even avg 10-5 this season?
Issac will be better than Ingram Mark my words
This is a Skip Bayless hot take
Luther Headwhat ever happened to that dude?