Sprint Cardio Fat Burning exercises.

No Sleep

May 5, 2012
Souf Caro
Hey, anybody have any good fat burning sprint exercises?

I been going to this football field with turf doing my cardio and outside exercise this year. So far all I've been doing is Gassers, 110's, and a 4 cone drill three days a weak.

Anybody got any other exercises I can use?

What kind of warms up you doing?


May 1, 2012
Bay Area
Sprint intervals.

Depending how fast you are.

Start at 8 speed on treadmill. Sprint 30 seconds. Pause a minute. Go up to 9 speed. Repeat til 11 speed, then repeat backwards to 8 speed. Takes 10 minutes exactly if you start at the 30 second mark.

Hard mode:
Doing same exercise but incline

Extra shyt you can do(this actually worked better than any cardio ive done before) - doing the intervals and then planking 30 seconds during the 1 minute break.

No homo gets you that "V" shape quick if you do it after every work out and only takes 10 minutes


Aug 30, 2013
The 'Go
Sprint intervals.

Depending how fast you are.

Start at 8 speed on treadmill. Sprint 30 seconds. Pause a minute. Go up to 9 speed. Repeat til 11 speed, then repeat backwards to 8 speed. Takes 10 minutes exactly if you start at the 30 second mark.

Hard mode:
Doing same exercise but incline

Extra shyt you can do(this actually worked better than any cardio ive done before) - doing the intervals and then planking 30 seconds during the 1 minute break.

No homo gets you that "V" shape quick if you do it after every work out and only takes 10 minutes
Will do I need a quick HIIT cardio workout


May 2, 2012
Fresno, Ca
Sprint intervals.

Depending how fast you are.

Start at 8 speed on treadmill. Sprint 30 seconds. Pause a minute. Go up to 9 speed. Repeat til 11 speed, then repeat backwards to 8 speed. Takes 10 minutes exactly if you start at the 30 second mark.

Hard mode:
Doing same exercise but incline

Extra shyt you can do(this actually worked better than any cardio ive done before) - doing the intervals and then planking 30 seconds during the 1 minute break.

No homo gets you that "V" shape quick if you do it after every work out and only takes 10 minutes

This is a good one. The boxers at the gym do this all the time.


Old Master
May 11, 2012
Sprint intervals.

Depending how fast you are.

Start at 8 speed on treadmill. Sprint 30 seconds. Pause a minute. Go up to 9 speed. Repeat til 11 speed, then repeat backwards to 8 speed. Takes 10 minutes exactly if you start at the 30 second mark.

Hard mode:
Doing same exercise but incline

Extra shyt you can do(this actually worked better than any cardio ive done before) - doing the intervals and then planking 30 seconds during the 1 minute break.

No homo gets you that "V" shape quick if you do it after every work out and only takes 10 minutes


Florida Man
May 1, 2012
You can also do all out intervals on a recumbent bike


Max-OT Cardio – An Introduction
December 12th, 2008
By Paul Delia
Filed Under: Articles
A few years ago I started experimenting with a new cardio training approach I now call Max-OT Cardio. It’s new. It’s innovative. It’s brutal. And it’s incredibly effective. In fact, it’s dramatically effective at burning body fat without any negative impact on building muscle.

Max-OT Cardio is incredibly effective at burning body fat, but unlike “normal” cardio, it may actually induce an anabolic effect on muscle tissue. Cardio that not only burns fat, it builds muscle. Imagine cardio that actually causes muscle to grow!

Throughout the years, I have always prided myself in thinking beyond the norm. I always ask “why” and in doing so have found that there are very few answers to that question with “conventional” training methods. In thinking beyond the norm, I’ve been able to help thousands and thousands of athletes approach building muscle in a completely different way and with staggering results. Over the past year, rethinking cardio has allowed me to redefine cardiovascular training for maximum fat burning effects without the typical catabolic effects on muscle tissue. And let me tell you, the results are incredible.

Both Skip La Cour and Jeff Willet used Max-OT Cardio with astounding resuts. Take a look at the condition Skip achieved on the way to winning the 2002 Team Universe Championship.

So from right now forward I want you to let go of your conventional cardio training knowledge. Forget what you have been previously taught about cardio training. Get ready for a cardio experience that will not only dramatically boost your metabolism, but will keep your metabolic rate elevated longer for a sustained fat burning effect.

What is Max-OT Cardio?

Max-OT Cardio can be described as ultra-high intensity cardio performed in 16-minute sessions and performed progressively from session to session. What this means, and it’s very important, is that each proceeding cardio session should be more intense than the one before. In other words, you should expend more energy (burn more calories) during every new 16-minute Max-OT Cardio session.

Getting Started

Remember, no more old fashion cardio. You are stepping up. You are entering an advanced cardio training dimension. A dimension few athletes are familiar with. After a few weeks of Max-OT Cardio, your view cardio training will never be the same. All your previous cardiovascular training will seem like a walk in the park and a waste of time. You will then realize how inefficient and ineffective “conventional cardio” is. More importantly, you’ll be establishing a metabolism akin to a Colorado wildfire.

Max-OT Cardio is the ultimate in intensity. Because of this ultra-high intensity, the choice of exercises is limited. One primary exercise that’s perfectly suited for Max-OT Cardio is the Recumbent Bike. Here’s why; a Recumbent Bike requires no skill. It is safe and as intensity increases, safety and stability remains the same. Basically, you can go all out on a Recumbent Bike and not have to worry about balance, a misstep, or falling off. This is very important. A Recumbent Bike brings no compromise on your ability to generate maximum intensity. Just about all other cardio exercises require a compromise between balance, skill, and intensity. Max-OT Cardio involves no compromise.

Recumbent Bikes have several settings that are important to understand. Setting up the Recumbent Bike correctly will allow for a smooth transition into Max-OT Cardio.

Time setting: This is easy. Set it to 16 minutes.

Program setting: Most all Recumbent Bikes come with numerous program settings that provide varying resistance levels throughout the timed cardio session. The one you need to choose is called “Interval.” This is a setting programmed for progressively increasing resistance levels with each one followed by an equal length lower resistance level throughout the duration of the cardio session.

I have found this interval setting to be important for overall intensity output. In other words, you can generate greater intensity and achieve a higher overall energy expenditure output on the “interval” setting than on a steady resistance setting. There are mental implications as well. This will be covered in future articles on Max-OT Cardio.

Level or Resistance setting: This setting increases or decreases the resistance on the pedals. The higher the level setting, the greater the pedal resistance. The greater the pedal resistance, the greater distance traveled per revolution and the greater the intensity at equal revolutions per minute (RPM).

First Things First

First things first, you need to establish an initial intensity baseline. This is simple. You simply perform a 16-minute cardio session at a little bit higher than your normal cardio intensity level. After you do this, you need to record some statistics. All Recumbent Bikes display exercise performance. They will typically show calories burned and distance traveled. This is another reason they are well suited for Max-OT Cardio.

You need to understand that these are just estimates, but that doesn’t matter. They are used for references to guide you to “always increasing intensity levels.” Remember, each cardio session should be higher in intensity than the one before. In other words, you should travel further distances and record higher calorie readouts with each new Max-OT Cardio workout on the Recumbent Bike.

Once you have performed your initial Max-OT Cardio workout, you will have established a “goal” – a distance to beat on your next Max-OT Cardio session. This is an important element in Max-OT Cardio. As with Max-OT weight training, the result of always striving for more is that it forces your body to adapt. With Max-OT Cardio, you are literally forcing your metabolism higher with each session.

Beating your previous distance is a must. I want to emphasize this. The fact that you are constantly increasing your intensity levels each cardio session continuously drives your metabolism higher. It also sets a site for you for every Max-OT Cardio workout. You will no longer just be “putting in time” during cardio. You will stoking your metabolism higher and higher with each Max-OT Cardio session.

Why 16 minutes?

There are several reasons for the 16-minute Max-OT Cardio duration. All of which lead to greater cardio intensity and greater increases in metabolic rate.

16 minutes is an optimal time span that will allow you to put forth maximum intensity without pacing yourself. It’s important that you do not pace yourself during Max-OT Cardio. Pacing acts to preserve energy instead of expending maximum energy. Durations longer than 16 minutes tend to encourage pacing one’s cardio effort.

Mentally, 16 minutes of cardio is far more conducive to putting forth maximum intensity than cardio of longer duration. The “mental” side of Max-OT Cardio, and all training for that matter, is an area of great importance yet rarely explained. Ultra-high mental focus is essential for maximum intensity efforts.

Finally, 16-minutes of maximum intensity cardio will maximize your metabolic rate without tapping into lean muscle tissue for energy. The idea is to burn fat – not muscle. This what Max-OT Cardio does.

Putting Max-OT Cardio to Work For You

Now it’s time to rev up your metabolism and spend less time doing it. Less time plus more effort will equal greater results. Greater results in less time – as Ted Nugent would say, “Ya gotta like that!” Below is an outline of Max-OT Cardio high points.

Max-OT Cardio is performed for 16 minutes.

Max-OT Cardio is performed on a Recumbent Bike, Stair Climber, or any device that will allow for maximum intensity to be exerted safely and without the need for excessive balance or skill. If you can’t perform your cardio with maximum intensity without the possibility of falling off, tripping, etc. then it’s the wrong type of exercise for Max-OT Cardio.

Max-OT Cardio is performed with an “Interval” setting. This allows for intermittent resistance levels during the 16-minute sessions resulting in greater overall energy output.

Each Max-OT Cardio workout is more intense than the one before. Two ways to increase the intensity on a Recumbent Bike are to increase the resistance and/or increase the pedal RPM. Technically this is measured in wattage output. Intesity is measured by distance traveled and calories burned.

Intensity! Max-OT Cardio is always performed using maximum intensity and effort.


Florida Man
May 1, 2012
page 2

Getting Your Feet Wet

If you are like me, you like to dive into new adventures headfirst. However, Max-OT Cardio is a different animal. You must acclimate to the intensity levels involved. This is necessary both mentally and physically. This adaptation to Max-OT Cardio will ensure you get the maximum benefit from this new and incredibly effective cardio training.

Your first Max-OT Cardio session should be performed at an intensity level only 5 to 10 percent greater than your normal long duration (and now obsolete) cardio intensity. The results from this intro Max-OT Cardio workout will form the basis for your next Max-OT Cardio workout. The distance you record from your first Max-OT Cardio session will be the distance to exceed during your next Max-OT Cardio workout. Your third Max-OT Cardio workout should be more intense than your second and so on.

Within about 2 to 3 weeks of this intensity progression, you’ll be experiencing the full effects of Max-OT Cardio. Each session leads into and builds upon the next. This progressive intensity increase will amplify your metabolic rate and fat burning response far in excess of conventional cardio training.

Understanding Cardio’s Effect on Fat Metabolism

Energy expenditure during cardio is very misunderstood. What is even more misunderstood is energy expenditure after cardio as a result of the cardio. When doing cardio, the primary energy source your body uses is glycogen. Your body uses very little, if any, fat stores for energy during cardio. Even if you haven’t eaten food for several hours your body still uses glycogen as its primary energy source. You must let go of the wrong assumption that you are actually burning fat while you are doing cardio. You are not!

The benefit you get from cardio, from a fat burning standpoint (there are many other health benefits), is its effect on your resting metabolic rate. Your resting metabolic rate is the amount of energy your body expends when you are not exerting yourself, at rest. Cardio training, and especially Max-OT Cardio, has a dramatic elevating effect on your body’s resting metabolic rate.

When you increase your resting metabolic rate, you increase your body’s overall fat burning capabilities – you make your body much more efficient at burning body fat. Max-OT Cardio will make your body a 24-hour a day fat burning furnace. The problem with conventional, long duration, low intensity cardio is that it has minimum impact on increasing your resting metabolic rate. However, long duration, low intensity cardio will deplete glycogen stores. When this happens, you will start primarily utilizing lean muscle for your energy needs. Long duration cardio will break down muscle tissue.

A good real-world example of the difference in effect of Max-OT Cardio and long duration cardio has on athlete’s physiques is to look at sprinters and long distance runners. Sprinters are very lean and extremely muscular. Long distance runners are lanky, frail, with little muscle yet possess higher body fat levels than the sprinters.

Sprinters train in a manner that is very similar to the Max-OT Cardio principles – short burst of maximum intensity – whereas long distance runners train more inline with the conventional cardio approach – low intensity for longer periods of time. What type of physique would you rather have?

Cocked and Loaded

You are ready. You have the knowledge foundation for Max-OT Cardio. You are now armed with the most explosive metabolic enhancing cardio program in the world. Now it’s up to you to implement Max-OT Cardio program and reap the incredible metabolic rewards.


May 20, 2013
Hey, anybody have any good fat burning sprint exercises?

I been going to this football field with turf doing my cardio and outside exercise this year. So far all I've been doing is Gassers, 110's, and a 4 cone drill three days a weak.

Anybody got any other exercises I can use?

What kind of warms up you doing?

Warmups are critical for sprints. Once round a 400m track is good,plus a 100m knee high jog and don't forget to stretch your quads. Works for me!
Some say sprints are better than jogs for fat burning. This is my own experience:
3 months ago I tried the sprint workout. Its less time consuming and some say it builds strength without dehydrating. 100 m x 8 with a 1 minute recovery in between. To my surprise I discovered:
-there's a technique to sprinting,first accelerate,keeping your head low,arms working in tandem with your legs with your only the balls of your feet touching the ground
-all out sprints are actually more taxing than jogs! When done I have to sit down for 2 minutes to get my breath back
I alternate with 200 m x 5 or 400 m x 4.
