For those not familiar...That is a picture of Christiphor Columbus. Now he didn't write those words.... some white person who was feeling themselves behind anonymity on the internet wrote that. But that is the core thinking of WS. Yet on this very website there is a thread where someone asks "if you could have white slaves would you?" and a good portion of you said "No!" which made me immediatly think of this meme. But then how do we eliminate WS? Praying and marching obviously aint cutting it. Wouldnt there have to be a similiar response on a grand scale to end WS? Isnt that what the meme is speaking on? Why is it that the Hebrew Isrealites are the only ones with the balls to speak on a future of role reversal were whites would become our slaves?
I've read numerous times on this site about how WS permeates every aspect of everyday living (me personally I dont accept that cuz it doesnt permeate the world I created in my own head). So then what would be the overall solution to end that permeation but to counter the actions of said conquerers by becoming conquerers ourselves? I mean thats the only solution I see.....the Hebrew Isrealites feel the same way...yet the majority in that "if you could have white slaves would you?" thread say no.