The Kid, the sequel to Push by Sapphire. A complete mess of a book. Tries to get in to the psyche of children that have been molested, in this case Precious' son, but fails to deliver on so many levels.
Nikki Turner but the best worse book goes to Raunchy by T.Styles. Now the book cold but the story is one of the worst ever. This author has a thoed mind bruh. Real cinematic her & K'wan my top urban authors. You'll see what I mean if u check it out its a must readOr at least attempted to read
I read this book(well tried to)
I honestly forgot what it was called but it was written by that black female author from Richmond VA. She did some work wit 50 cent too or something
shyt was terrible
The Bible, KJV.
its an amazing novelOh hell no...I'm not religious at all but I read that Bible from front to back 3 times and was greatly entertained( tho psalms was a lil eh!). It had everything. Tragedy, suspense, science fiction, horror, mystery, drama, romance, Action. Adventure and comedy