Spin: What's The Most Angelic Thing You've Done?


Hong Kong Phooey
May 2, 2012
One day during college, I was hanging out in the lounge in my dorm watching TV. I'm the only one on the sofa. It's a pretty big lounge. Anyway, some girls walk in and sit down at a table behind me. One of them is upset and crying and kind of arguing with this other girl. I start tuning in. Then, I go over and ask what's up. So the girl who is crying explains that her roommate's boyfriend (cac) told her that she needs to find another place to sleep for the night (because he's going to shack up with his woman) and he's done it before. I'm like "No, you've paid for that dorm room. He can't force you out." Then, I tell the roommate, "Where's your boyfriend? Tell him to come down here now. We need to talk." She's like, "I don't know where he is." So, I tell the girl who is upset "You don't have to sleep anywhere else. If he does, come down and find me. I'll take care of it." Well, I've seen the dude around before with her. Skinny cac skater-looking dude but never really knew if he was a karate expert or anything.
Days later, dude is ghost. No longer visits the dorm. And, he's longer seen with her on campus. Anyway, I hang out at the lounge often because it was a summer session and I had a lot of free time. The girl, who's boyfriend was the a-hole, is there one day and asks, "Are you an RA (resident advisor)?" I answer, "No."
I was older and there were a lot of these freshmen who were at this summer session because they were taking remedial classes to prepare for their freshman year. So, these recent high school graduates are not used to the real world. I didn't say it but like, "F*** that sh**. This isn't high school. You don't boss people around."

Anyways, rising up against tyrants, slavemasters, and cac d-bags gives you a positive feeling for a long time. No lie.


All Star
May 26, 2012
Big D, Texas
One day me and my brother had just left the store and were walking back to the house. It was the summer time, mid noon so it was hot as hell. When we walking to the store we saw a lady walking and holding a bunch of bags and on our way out we saw her still walking. She had some kind of condition where she couldn't do too much without running out of breath. She was overweight but she seriously couldn't take a couple of steps without stopping cause she was out of breath. So me and my brother carried her bags and walked with her to her house. What's usually a 10 min walk turned into a hour long walk. She tried to pay us for helping her but we wouldn't take it. Not going lie...that made me feel good that day....

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
I saved two people's lives this year. Naw really.

No I aint typing the stories out :king:

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
First Story: My Booze Hound Friend

I took in a friend of mine who was homeless and had a severe alcohol addiction a while back. It was pretty bad. I know he was a really close friend of mine and that it's what you're supposed to do if it's one of your buddies, but even every single one of his other friends had tossed him out on his ass. He wasn't stealing to pay for his addiction or anything, it's just that he was super sloppy and drunk all the time and it was really starting to cramp other people's styles.

My place was always clean and sterile. Compared to our other friends' places, it was way better kept and there wasn't as much loud partying going on all the time. The environment discouraged him from drinking too much while he was crashing on my couch and his health began to improve. He still drank, but not as much, and seeing my devotion to my good habits on my own behalf caused him to start taking better care of himself to follow suit.

After his health improved enough I gave him some money to help fly him home to get him home after college. I would have liked to have had him stay because he was such a good friend of mine, but we were still drinking a lot together and I didn't want to turn into an enabler. He's all better now, doesn't drink, playing sports again, and is a teacher.

Second Story: Few know this one

When I was 18 I stopped a girl that was drugged from being raped. She was a girl that I had this gigantic crush on and really, really wanted to get serious with (not anymore because I'm not about serious relationships anymore) and she invited me to this house party with her. She was normally able to hold her liquor really well, but she was looking extremely trashed after her third or fourth drink. Very out of character for her. She came over and flopped on me and said, "I need to lie down. I can't even feel like I can move. I don't wanna do this any more."

The party host came over and said, "I'll give her a place to pass out." I nodded, pretending to trust him, and he left the room with her. For once, my drunkenness and jealousy panned out to make this situation better, because after a few minutes I made sure that nobody was looking and that the music was loud enough to slip toward the back of the party where the host had taken her. I cracked the door open saw her flopped completely unconscious with this guy trying to get her clothes off. If she were reciprocating that'd be one thing, but she was completely unable to move on her own will.

I burst into the door demanding that he let her go. He kept insisting that she wanted it and shoved me back into the door, closing it shut behind me. A second stroke of luck for me. Now filled with a drunken rage, I went ape shyt on the guy and pummeled him into a pump until I was on top of him underneath his computer desk, pounding his face, which now looked like an uncooked hamburger. With the door closed behind me and the music loudly blasting in the party area, nobody heard our altercation going down. I had a brief moment of clarity when I realized that I was in such a rage that I was about two seconds out from biting a part of his cheek out. Before losing my mind completely, I pulled myself off of him, grabbed the girl, and brought her home.

I'm normally NEVER this angry at anyone, ever. But considering the circumstances, I think I was justified. I told her to check if she had indeed been drugged at the student health center. She was, and later thanked me.

:whew: Gonna go train now to get the memory outta my system.