Why would u include me in the list? do u want HL to become sodomite utopia holding hands singing songs and agreeing with each other on every point? Vic why do u continue to act like u own this place with ur condescending attitude? I believe u should be temporarily banned my hindu friend until u learned to live and post peacefully with other colites.
Something like this doesn't really work in HL because you just have days where some people just say some awful shyt and you're likeBut they're not really consistent HL posters. 2 months ago no one would be talking about Chris B on here.
Exactly. I mean if you want to have a Worst NEW poster then sure Chris is a shoe in.
But when looking at an entire body of work it's Mowgli and his various permutations by far. POZ is a very, very close second.
The winner of the poll should get a 3 month HL temp ban.
You know what this case really means.
It is a victory for us--the civilized. The savages have destroyed one major city. They have turned 10+ major cities (atlanta, memphis, oakland, detriot, camden, new ark, chicago, st. Loius, cleveland, baltimore, birmmingham) into war zones that look like third world countries.
The liberals make excuses for the savages, and they tells they just need social support (money). We spend billions to support them yet the crime rate goes up, not down. In fact, the liberals have enabled them with the "youth" friendly media, and academic pseudosciences like sociology. The savages are allowed to roam free and terrorize t
America's streets like raider parties in a fallout wasteland.
But on saturday july, 13 2013, Americans said plainly, "no more". No more savages on our streets. No more racist haters attacking "creepy ass crackers". Zimmerman is a damned hero. He protected his neighborhood from savages.
The surenos protected Their neighborhoods from the savages, and as a result, LA is a very safe place now. it has a very low violent crime rate.
Chris B. might have this one. When does polling end?
Cultural Marxist Liberal Bigot Communist. Marxist Marxism Communism Keynesian Economics Austrian Economists Keynesian/Western Economics/Obama Group comfort, empty pluralism, collectivism, Marxism Communism freethought, individuality, liberty, humanism freedom
Victorvondoom: Cultural Marxist, Liberal Bigot and a Communist. Supports Marxist theories and social movements(like the majority of posters here) even when Marxism & Communism are responsible for the death's of 125+ million people. Believes he has a morally superior opinion on all topics than the other posters of Higher Learning. Refuses to accept any criticism of Keynesian Economics. Labels Austrian Economists as tin foil hat nuts in order to deflect honest debate or criticism in regards to Keynesian/Western Economics/Obama administration. Values Group comfort, empty pluralism, collectivism, Marxism and Communism over freethought, individuality, liberty, humanism and freedom.
Hard to call.