-Goes to the bar, always pull decent to top notch broads off the strength of being black.
-stays in shape effortlessly
feel free to add on
-stays in shape effortlessly
feel free to add on
I feel so that I'm black.
Being able to play out in the sun all day with no issues..
Being considered cool just off the strength of my skin tone:
Love the look on cac's faces when they start talking to me and realize that my vocabulary is 3 time larger than their own.
Stays in shape (not effortlessly though)
Having women undress me with their eyes when they see my size 13 feet.
-Goes to the bar, always pull decent to top notch broads off the strength of being black.
-stays in shape effortlessly
feel free to add on
There is nothing effortless about all that shyt you cut out of your diet
It's called being educated...
Certain things become second nature after awhile
Diabetes and High blood pressure aint cool in 2013, especially when they affect African Americans at an alarming rate ( )
Welcome to Higher Learning:
But I'll never be one of these cats that can eat nothing but a small salad for lunch and be cool about it. Nope.