There is an entire movement in Yemen to fight against marriage ages.. The practice of sex with young girls there isn't as accepted as we like to believe.
Sex with young people is illegal in America... But shyt happens non stop... and men having sex w girls under 18 is basically common practice in America. Seems that the sex with babies is more of a problem than it should be in America - and I feel like sex w babies is even sicker.
A 15 year old girl can get married to a 40 year old man in Canada and it's legal. - no excuse for being a third world backward nation.
I really don't have a problem w a 15 year old getting married, if that's her choice.. but I wouldn't want it for any of my fam members.
It's not an Islamic issue.... South Africa has a rate that is up to 100x that of some other nations.
In America forced marriages happen all the time. You can't fight against an issue is you don't know it exist - or if you say that it Only happens in remote villages around the world. From Ultra Orthodox Jewish communities, to random CAC in the Mountains young girls are being fukked and forced married as I type this post. It's happening within 300 Miles of you while you create a post about some random place in Yemen. Sometimes you have to focus on the full issue instead of Getting off at attacking a particular religion or region.
The US department of justice is fully aware of the Hindu and Sikh communities that are forcing arranged marriages right here in America.
In the UK shyt happens all the time.
But at least there is 1 law fighting against it in the UK. In the US there are 50 different laws with 50 different rules and Obviously none of them are effective.
In Utah.... even the politicians and important people of society condone it.
NTM, how many billions of our tax money goes to nations that do nothing about rape, murder, human rights violations, and child exploitation?? We support this shyt just by waking up in the morning. I guess the only thing we can do to make ourselves feel better is to randomly talk shyt about whatever new village has a crazy story today.
Age limits for marriage are about the same in most nations in Africa and Asia as they are in the North America.
Rape and force marriages in India.... in some regions its simply part of the culture, and it's not an islamic culture. Human right counsels are struggling with India and other non islamic area that have at least 80% and up to 90% arranged marriages. Even the ones that aren't forced - the consequences of not following through are devastating.
In all of South Asia and all of Africa... 30-50% of all girls are forced into these types of situations. Only a$$holes create threads for the sole reason to attack Islam or to attack a region when their is a larger issue. And only a$$holes fall into the trap of hopping on the bandwagon.
And the area that my people are from (overseas)........... this shyt happens non stop. shyts not really a joke. Place were we are from now (Detroit) there really aren't too many young girls who aren't fukked by older men.... part of the culture so much so that in the hood - you have a car = 14 year olds throwing pus and mouth at you. .
3000 cases of forced marriages in the US every two years and that's not including backwoods CAC or the state of UTAH.
Babies are fukked in the US weekly. Babies brehs... not forced 12 year olds n shyt... but BABies.
Out off all the modern nations............. the US loses by far the most children to abuse. Every ten seconds a child is being either fukked or fukked up by an adult in the US. 80% of these children are under the age of 4. bu bu bu but we have laws. Yeah ok, tell that to these millions of kids.
With us having the highest number of Sexual and Physical abuse cases amongst modern nations - our laws that u guys are so hyped on... don't fukking matter due to the fact that nearly half of these victims ( the ones that live) will go on to abuse their own children.
1-2 of of every 5 women in the US will be sexually abused. actually will be raped. In the US hispanic category the rape rates are crazy.. and underestimated because most of them are placed in the white cat, even if they live in 100% hispanic communities.
In urban black communities bishes are basically raped every sec of every day... most rapes are not reported at all. part of some urban cultures.
Poverty and ignorance are the main culprits. Some urban communities and 3rd world nations deal with poverty and backwards thinking.... but overall we are ignorant ones because we spend our time focused on cases in random villages in the world.