Boy, no one wants to see the ending of the game. All we want is a gameplay trailer. A simple gameplay trailer and a blog post describing some of the new things to expect would suffice.Did Sony force you to pre-order the game or was that just made as an option? Also, even if you pre-ordered the game yesterday, doesn't mean you are granted access to know the ending of the game and everything else about the game today, before it's even released. To desire and be hyped for information is fine, but it's not mandated that you are to get it the moment you want it.
If you need excess info before pre-ordering something, then don't fukking pre-order it until you get the details you're looking for. Simple stuff, fool.
It’s not entitled to want to see gameplay before PRE ORDERS go live.
In fact, it’s stupid to think anything but that is ok.
some of you are too nice, and let these companies get away with bad practices.
If you want my money, give me a GAMEPLAY trailer first. Point blank. Anyone not on that page is out to lunch.