Spend the next six months focused on something constructive. The Lunar Eclipse will help...


Jan 1, 2018
But i really fukked up and even if i focus the shiit out of it for the next half year... i don't think she's coming back.

Energy is energy and everything is one thing, itself nothing, so its all open to interpretation.

A man can never lose what is truly his and if its gone it was just yours to play with for the moment...

Look at it like this:

Lets say that pile of emotion you're left holding was labeled "turd" and you looked at it like that it would stink and be quite useless, unless you liked gardening. Now imagine if you could, inside your head, switch that label for "gold" instead. Suddenly things would be looking up and you'd be thanking her for the immense gift of energetics she left whilst patting yourself on the back for your alchemical wisdom, yes? That is exactly how it is so change how you think.

Flipping it for a moment:

Even if it was excrement you use that on a flowerbed and next season you come up smelling of roses, comprehend? The events you've mentioned can be used as a fuel source to propel. Whether its to new heights or old depths depends on your actions and motivation as the temptation to do nothing of any worth or distraction will be immense because, good or bad, whatever you engage in from this moment on compounds, with interest so best keep your eyes on the prize and drop the rest so its in the rearview....

Mark my words when I say that between now and 2025 you're going to see some immense shifts in the Game. Those who know how to play will heed what I say, even if they don't believe a thing, because the results will speak for themselves. Those that don't and get pulled into the coming low frequency vortex that will be begging for your attention as it screams of problems but mentions no solutions will have no one else but themselves to blame as they gnash and wail for many are called but the chosen play and thus aren't played by the Game.

Let this serve as testimony before it happened.

I dont think anybody has actually asked this yet, but what project you work on during this time period?:lupe:


The True HD

Oct 13, 2014
Ft. Loudy | 🇯🇲
Blood Moon tonight, setting a whole vibe while I burn & plot out possible courses of actions.

In 6 months I’d look to have my bud based product out for sale, be sharing my art with the world, and be fully immersed in personal training/trading. Purpose & fulfillment.


Jan 1, 2018
Those of you've who've been on your purpose for the past 48 may have noticed intrusion of the dark side of the moon (mind) I call the Opponent:

"The Opponent is the one who wishes for you to live and die with your music within, unexpressed, but it is also the same force that turns coals to diamonds for those who can handle the pressure which is exactly what will be coming to this realm within the next six so batten down your hatches, keep your focus, stay on your purpose and declare war on any old limits, habits, distractions and anything that isn’t in your best interests. This includes people as well. Drop em like a bad habit. Its time to become Centered in Self.

This is what will separate the wheat from the chaff within the next six. Those who speak about it from those who be about it and make it happen. See, the Opponent sees the world but the world sees him not. Apart from the Warrior and small child (there really is no difference) as they spot the pretender attempting to wear a mask that looks like them, talks like them and directs their consciousness. This is part of what I spoke of previously as The Dual Reality Principle aka the world thats been pulled over your eyes and keeps you comfortably miserable and numb to your true potential.

Some may find their anxiety ramps at the thought of this and they’ll reach for the crutch of drugs, sex, alcohol, masturbation, video games, excessive net browsing and whatever else you use to distract you from your purpose.

Many are called but only a few choose themselves and take what they think they know about what they think to know to war."

If you've slipped and fell then get up and get back on it. All you've to do is whatever is in front of you. Its that simple. And yet so difficult when you begin to focus but stick at it because until you read this you had no idea your worst enemy lived inside your head and now you're starting to get the inkling of what is me and not-me. Sift to shift, soon it will all click.

The you that wants to move where your heart knows is best vs the voice in your head with its endless stream of distractions. Don't you feel like declaring war on the mediocre version of yourself you accepted due to default programming and become something supreme instead? Now is the time to put it to the test...