The fact that this is based on modern Scandavian masculinity is the very reason why Hollywood should've never made a remake of it.
It goes against the bones of the original -
"I did three features and also some short films during many years and I think one of the main themes, without even really realizing, is that it’s a take on at least Scandinavian masculinity. But I kind of realized that it’s a more global issue. What I knew from movies, especially American movies, was masculinity was something where the American hero in the end, this ordinary man, can suddenly fight and shoot and save his family and run through the woods and all that. And I could not recognize that from reality or myself. And I think many Scandinavian men are not introverted, but a little bit pathetic and a little bit vague and live very good, safe lives and are good people. But they’re not really in contact with their darker side or their more primitive nature.
We have been in, especially in our parts of the world, very, very civilized, very privileged. We talk about, you know, everyday life, material stuff, the kids, and all that. And suddenly I had that feeling, what is my primal nature and what would happen if something very evil or very bad would happen to me? Would I be capable of saving my family or fighting back or would I just freeze or run away? And the true answer is: I think it’s the latter."
I get that it wouldn't be palatable for the audience in this country, because we've been ingrained with the heroic ending (no matter the cirumstances), but if the original is speaking to an audience that is largely absent of that type of masculinity, then what's the entire point of a remake, besides a money grab?
It'd be like remaking Do The Right Thing, with a setup in an upper-class, gated community, and it devolves into some whodunnit, where a middle-aged housewife murders a much younger woman (who's just recently moved into the neighborhood) because she's tried to take over, set over the backdrop of rising tensions over the ownership of a country club.
I mean, shyt, yeah, it's a remake (if only by name), but it's b*stardized every single thing about the OG.