All they do is talk on GoT. We put sword to purpose here you coward
First episode sucks anyways, this is universally accepted. It gets godlike after like episode 4.
Word, does any other show have a jump like this? I can't think of one that matches it.
I remember I watched the first episode "Live", then the next day we laughed at it at work. The second episode I didn't even set my DVR for, I just watched it on Netflix (back when Netflix had Spartacus episodes online just after they aired).
After that I set my DVR to record it, but I didn't watch them for weeks and I let maybe 4-6 episodes build up. But then I read online that it was starting to get good, so I gave it another shot and watched all the episodes on my DVR within 2 days.
From then on, I couldn't wait to watch every episode as soon as it aired.