Francis White
i been away to long, my feeling died.

didnt rhaskos take diona virgnity? straight all dirty no shower
I feel you...Was Vengeance wack to anyone else or is it just me? Haven't watched it in a minute but I remember just wanting it to end.
The last season of Spartacus is some of the greatest ever on TV. That series finale had a nikka likeMy nikka Gannicus went out a G. fukk them Romans
Game of Thrones schemers got nothing on Ashur.What Spartacus did so great was how they portrayed minorities. Omeanus was the most revered and respected character on the show. How the fukk could you not root for the slaves/gladiators?
I ain't gonna lie, Ashur was the GOAT scumbag, but that nikka had me rolling with all his scheming and backstabbing. The House of AshurAshur's reign was shorter then Leprechauns.
Coates was way worse than Asher. He smirked and had people killed for no reasonWhat Spartacus did so great was how they portrayed minorities. Omeanus was the most revered and respected character on the show. How the fukk could you not root for the slaves/gladiators?
I ain't gonna lie, Ashur was the GOAT scumbag, but that nikka had me rolling with all his scheming and backstabbing. The House of AshurAshur's reign was shorter then Leprechauns.
no i loved vegenance.
Vegenance was spartacus getting his revenge, slowly building his army
every episode was dope, when they went into the mines, when they were in the woods, introduction of the egyptian, onemeaus being captured, onemeaus in teh pits, crixus being caught, coliseum being taken down, gannicus returning, ashur slimy ways, xena scheming illythia and ashur, spartacus outsmarting glaber with like 50 dudes
who was coates?Coates was way worse than Asher. He smirked and had people killed for no reason
What Spartacus did so great was how they portrayed minorities. Omeanus was the most revered and respected character on the show. How the fukk could you not root for the slaves/gladiators?
I ain't gonna lie, Ashur was the GOAT scumbag, but that nikka had me rolling with all his scheming and backstabbing. The House of AshurAshur's reign was shorter then Leprechauns.