Spain introduces porn passport to stop kids from watching smut


The Sword of Jesus of Nazareth
May 25, 2022
It won't be pushed out to minors. Everyone will have to comply. No different than having to sign into an adult age verified YouTube account to view explicit videos except whatever wallet or ticket they use will actually verify your government ID (which I guess dating apps do now--correct me if I'm wrong I'm not on them) but more and more sites will just utilize it as they partner with other sites and it just streamlines the browsing experience. Therefore if there is a link on the coli that leads to something 'adult' they can't say "well the minor was browsing thecoli when he came across this content or was linked to it" because thecoli will have a ticket/token/passport whatever you want to call it or be in compliance.

And sure that doesn't mean anyone on thecoli will have your/our actual government information, but whatever company or entity that creates this program/platform will, and can they be trusted?

:russell: If non issue was a synopsis


May 3, 2012
It won't be pushed out to minors. Everyone will have to comply. No different than having to sign into an adult age verified YouTube account to view explicit videos except whatever wallet or ticket they use will actually verify your government ID (which I guess dating apps do now--correct me if I'm wrong I'm not on them) but more and more sites will just utilize it as they partner with other sites and it just streamlines the browsing experience. Therefore if there is a link on the coli that leads to something 'adult' they can't say "well the minor was browsing thecoli when he came across this content or was linked to it" because thecoli will have a ticket/token/passport whatever you want to call it or be in compliance.

And sure that doesn't mean anyone on thecoli will have your/our actual government information, but whatever company or entity that creates this program/platform will, and can they be trusted?
He doesn't understand. All they have to do is use this angle or some fear and these fools will give up their rights.
Dec 19, 2017
-Kids are being abused by authoritarian parents
-They aren't able to access tutors
-The cost of education in general is going up.
-They aren't being taught things they can use to survive a post AI future that could eliminate thousands of jobs.

But sure let's put money into a program that they'll circumvent anyway because it's not like people underestimate the intelligence of kids or anything.

I'm so fukking tired of this style of government that focuses on political theater rather than actual fukking solutions.
It IS a solution.....just not what we expect.

White people are scared of losing their numbers. All of this anti-porn stuff is designed to make younger men more "hungry" for sex.

Think about it. Imagine making an above average salary, you're 25 years old, single but shy/reclusive. Instead of chasing women, you watch porn and check out of the rat race. 25 year old, gainfully employed white boy is EXACTLY who the white elite wants reproducing.

By starting early, they wanna get the young white males off the computers and back into the clubs and bars, picking up broads. If they're not overly into porn at age 14, it might be easier to keep them off it.

More cold approaches, more random sexual encounters with females....more white (Spanish) babies to match the influx of non-white migrants. The women are always available but they wanna get the men out of their homes and into the streets fukking around.

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
It IS a solution.....just not what we expect.

White people are scared of losing their numbers. All of this anti-porn stuff is designed to make younger men more "hungry" for sex.

Think about it. Imagine making an above average salary, you're 25 years old, single but shy/reclusive. Instead of chasing women, you watch porn and check out of the rat race. 25 year old, gainfully employed white boy is EXACTLY who the white elite wants reproducing.

By starting early, they wanna get the young white males off the computers and back into the clubs and bars, picking up broads. If they're not overly into porn at age 14, it might be easier to keep them off it.

More cold approaches, more random sexual encounters with females....more white (Spanish) babies to match the influx of non-white migrants. The women are always available but they wanna get the men out of their homes and into the streets fukking around.
All that means is kids that will get born whom the state will refuse to support.

You're just creating a generation of future criminals, many of them will be rapists because the idea of consensual sex with an escort or watching porn won't be an option. The rejections will make them hate and resent women while wanting them like a resource that they feel other men are hoarding and keeping from them.

Look at how well that anti woman, anti porn, anti sex work shyt has worked out in Arab countries. They have the most dangerous incels on earth. You can convince these motherfukkers to comit SUICIDE by telling them women will be waiting for them in heaven afterwards.

That is not the kind of society I want to live in. And definitely not the kind of society I'd want to raise a daughter in. fukk that.


Dec 4, 2015
Some kid somewhere is gonna find a way around it.

I remember in grade school a Persian kid found a way to look at porn and check out sketchy websites in the computer lab, this was back in the late 90s/ early 2000s still.

It's still good to have methods like this in place to stop your everyday kid.

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
Is porn good for 10 year olds? Yes or No

So then I guess that shuts down the discussion right? Parents shouldn't be more empowered to spend more time with their children instead of working harder whilst their money stretches less? I'm more concerned about kids being savagely beaten and tortured by overworked and underpaid parents who don't know what they're doing and don't have time to actually learn how to deal with their stress and discipline their kids in a constructive way than if those kids are typing up "boobs" into Google.

Maybe if parents could afford to go back to working part time as a couple so they can actually spend time with their kids and teach them how to have healthy relationships as they get older and to value people and not bodies, then they'll be more well adjusted adults.

But nope, let's tax the working class and use it to pay for this shyt instead of giving them tax cuts, forcing employers to reinvest profits back into the business(e.g. pay employees more to keep up with the cost of housing, food, medicine etc), and cracking down on government waste.
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Oct 23, 2015
Government surveillance tech and policies are often introduced/piloted under the guise of "protecting the children". This credit shyt doesn't sound that far off from social credit scoring. The EU plans on rolling out a digital ID and wallet program to all member countries. Such a system would better enable governments to target and punish citizens for wrong think. Much easier for governments to control narratives and increase the effectiveness of their propaganda. Will be keeping an eye on the evolution of these policies.