The upcoming Christmas comedy, produced by Sean Hannity and Logan Sekulow, gives an inside view of war vet Nick Gutman (who is played by Ben Davies), who is required to take a job with his dad's (John Schneider from Dukes of Hazzard fame) quirky garbage men buddies, who are hired to conduct a wild secret mission - destroying perfectly good toys by Christmas Eve. These popular toys were pulled from the shelf after the film star (James Storm) they are based on is “canceled” for patriotic views. Instead of destroying them, Nick takes on the secret identity of “Jingle Smells,” and becomes a Robin Hood of the Holidays.
When speaking about the movie, Hannity shares “We’re breaking away from mainstream Hollywood and doing something completely different. Jingle Smells is a hilarious and heartwarming story filled with a great message and void of all the crazy agendas being presented by those other entertainment platforms. Jingle Smells is a movie your whole family can enjoy together this Christmas season.”
The movie brings an all-star cast including John Schneider (The Dukes of Hazzard, Smallville), Academy Award nominee Eric Roberts (The Dark Knight, The Expendables), Ben Davies (Courageous, War Room), Jim Breuer (Saturday Night Live), Victoria Jackson (Saturday Night Live), Dylan Postl (WWE), Brad Stine, Jaclyn Stapp, Sean Hannity, and features a special appearance by the Jay Sekulow Band and a special voice appearance by Gov. Mike Huckabee.
Premiering exclusively on the online platform, Rumble, as the first feature film. “We are thrilled to further expand our pay-per-view with the first feature movie on the platform,” shares Rumble CEO and Chairman Chris Pavloski. “In partnership with Logan Sekulow and Sean Hannity, we are excited to see a significant turnout of viewers for this Christmas movie event.”“Jingle Smells,” hails from ACLJ Films in association with Laugh-O-Gram Studios, Logan Sekulow Originals, and Keystone Films. Daniel Lusko directed from a script by Bart Scott and Logan Sekulow.
Viewers can stream the movie for $19.99. Pre-order for only $14.99 now through November 10th only at