A lot people think an actor's job is only to act, but promoting the films they're in is also part of the job. Most actors hate doing press runs, but it's apart of their contract.
Russell Crowe said:"..And you know, I’ve experienced that on the DC side with Man of Steel, Zack Snyder, and I’ve experienced it on the Marvel side via Disney with Thor: Love and Thunder … These are jobs. You know: Here’s your role, play the role. If you’re expecting this to be some kind of life-changing event, I just think you’re here for the wrong reasons.”
This was a woefully average movie..a comic book movie needs comic book action...how hard is that?
The acting was straight and the plot was good but this didn't seem like a big budget movie.
This was better than Blue Beetle, Aquaman 2, and on par with The Flash for me.
Let me clear it up...