loyola llothta
Let's face it, Sony plans for The Amazing Spider-Man are not going well. Could that be why "plans" are being discussed to connect that character to the extremely successful Marvel Cinematic Universe? There are rumbling that's the case...
HitFix have a very interesting piece up responding to those recent reports that Marvel are planning on introducing a new team of Earth's Mightiest Heroes in The Avengers 3, thereby taking the spotlight off the likes of Iron Man and Thor to instead focus perhaps on Captain Marvel and other second-tier characters. It's well worth a read and I strongly recommend heading on over to the site to check it out. However, included in the story is something very interesting about Spider-Man.
After mentioning the tension between Marvel and Fox (which has led to comic books featuring the characters being cancelled and a stop on merhcandise featuring them), the site reveals that the opposite may be the case when it comes to Sony. Remember, Marvel hold the merchandising rights to Spider-an, so they have no reason to want his movies to fail. Of course, after the tepid critical and commercial response to The Amazing Spider-Man 2, that's exactly what is happening.
"While I can't get the confirmations I need to verify the story, I'm hearing that there are some very cool "Spider-Man" plans being discussed that would help Sony refocus their enormously important franchise while also opening up some connections in the onscreen Marvel movie universe that would blow fandom's minds. Will it work out? I don't know. I would love to be able to state for sure that it's happening. What seems clear from what I've heard is that Marvel wants to be able to play with all of their characters, and if they can make that work creatively and on a corporate level, they will, and that means the world gets bigger again."
Now this is very interesting. What it means and what it could lead to is unclear, but the implication is obviously that we might see Spider-Man lining up alongside The Avengers sooner rather than later. With a Sinister Six movie on the way that no one really seems to care about and The Amazing Spider-Man 3's release date changed from 2016 to "Unknown", turning to Marvel Studios for help is a smart move on Sony's part. What do you guys think? Share your thoughts below!
Source: HitFix