I don't have to suspect shyt cuz the shyts is already confirmed
*The entire god awful, remedial bars packed, Ambien flows rich, brick heavy, Mangina Monologues filled catalog of Queen Aubrey & Her Woes of The Writers Block Roundtable aka Do Rogue And Kopy Everything aka Kike & The Ghostwriting Gang aka Jimmy Cochran & Associates LLAC (Limited Lyrical Ability Corp) aka Kirby Graham aka Kosher Cell aka Swag Tsung aka Drizzy Vanilli aka Six Fraud aka Shim Gawd aka Simp Doggy Dogg aka Kike Moist Dee aka KikeRS-One aka Jewpac Shakike aka LL Kike J aka Aubrey Frank aka Pissy Elliott aka Piss Stain Papi aka Ludapiss aka Goldenshowerface Killah aka Pissy Smalls the Notorious DEPENDS aka Pisstikal aka Aubrina The Teenage Snitch aka Aubrey Herpburn aka Aubrey Onassis the First Ladyboy aka the lead singer of Klepto By Nature with the new single "You down with USB? Yeah, you know me!"
(Too many links to post)
*Trapped and MULTIPLE other songs (or at least verses on said songs) off 2Flopalypse Now were written by Ray Luv & rapped horribly by Makavelli Vanilli aka 2Fraud Scamkur aka 2Ray Shaluv aka 2Flop Brickhur aka Tutupac aka Too Wong Foopac Shimkur aka Rupac Paulkur aka Wackavelli The WOAT aka Wankstavelli The Fraud aka Cacavelli The c00n aka Capeavelli The Simp aka Hackavelli The Thief aka Suge's bytchmade sugar booty semen dumpster
*The entire shytty ass, sonic abomination filled catalog of that remedial gorilla looking dikklicker Beanie Struggle aka Billy Seagull aka Beanie Wack aka the Badussy Street Bully aka Tranny Mac aka Beanie Sambo aka the poster nikka for the What bytch Would Lay Witchu anti-uggo campaign, most notably the diss for Gaydakiss aka Baldielocks aka Jadasnitch aka Dykealangelo of the Midlife Mutant nikka Turtles which was written by Young Piss & Hoechino & MULTIPLE other songs written by Peedi Wack
*The entire weedplate filled, terrible excuse for a catalog of Kangay Zest aka Prostate Monche aka Sticky Anal-Fingaz aka Bruce Bruce Jenner aka Tranye aka Kimye Kartrashian aka Koonye aka Zzzeeus Christ aka Yawnye Zzzest has been created by a conglomerate of Caspers included c00nsequence aka c*ntsequence aka Consucksquence aka Cockstoquench aka Kangay's sweat shop ink slave & god knows how many others
(too many links to post)
*Del The Funky Homosapien and Threat wrote on MULTIPLE songs for Ice c00n aka Lice Cube aka O'Shea Butterball Jackson aka Don Mega flop aka O'Gay Wackson aka O'Sick Flabbyson
Del The Funky Homosapien Recalls Ghostwriting For Ice Cube & Gorillaz' "Clint Eastwood" Being His Only Platinum Record
*Snoop Fraudy Fraud aka The Fraudfather aka Fraudizzle Fo Shizzle aka Fashion Dread has damn near had ENTIRE projects written for him
Snoop Reveals He Has Ghostwriters
10 Rappers Who Have Used Ghostwriters
*Rhymefest wrote Glory for c00nmon
Rhymefest Details "In My Father's House," New Album & How Kanye West's Car Crash Sparked A Movement
*Twista has writers as well
EXCLUSIVE: Twista Talks Turning Down Role In ‘Chi-Raq’ & Admits To Using Ghostwriters (VIDEO)
Meanwhile the GOAT lyrical legacy of the GOAT our Flow Lord and Lyrical Savior Hova Da Gawd is untarnished