Howard The Duck
Charles Williamson recorded material under the name "Big Cizzle" that was released before his transformation into Guerilla Black.
I don't have either of these currently. I used to...
Big Cizzle - Ya' Neva' Saw It Com'n (2001) Discogs: Big Cizzle - Ya' Neva' Seen It Com'n
Cizzle - No Draws (2002) Discogs: Cizzle - No Draws
These are essentially the same album.
Guerilla Black - Guerilla City (2004) (320 kbps)
133.47 MB file on MEGA
Guerilla Black - Black By Popular Demand - The Official Mixtape (2004) (VBR)
83.49 MB file on MEGA
Guerilla Black - God Bless The Child (2007) (VBR)
50.74 MB file on MEGA