the negative poem and encouraging folk to read it...
I rebuke the kkkakkk demon who damaged folk spirit. I rebuke you...flllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I am your Lord, folk...I am, and thou has been mislead and misguided in your quest for survival and "approval" from kkkakkkaaars
My folk, thou are beautiful, thou color beautiful and thine hater - pitiful.
Thou are the color of the earth the entire world lays on. Thou are the evening time. Thou are the stronger tone, the kkkakkks see thru, eyes, thou are also their hair...but thou are stronger...
Society has lied on thou...
Thou are coffee a multi billion company, thou are electronics...thou are a great color, with great use...but thou has been the false sense, false leaning on kkkakkk superiorty.
I gave you the tone, thou shall be, because though are the tone you shall be...enjoy it...and you make it positive.
Thou must move away for hater who trying to bring you down or damage your spirit
Thou must be proud of who you are...if you are trying to be proud of them or be like them...who come thine aint proud of you...they are demons in pale clothing...
Thou cannot look to the kkkakkk for more than lil currency...but for leaderships, bigger checks, self-image, respect, advancement, healing, protection, civility, unbiasness, one must look the thine folk, and partner only as needed with kkkakkk folk.
thine must re-build a successful independence