This will be removed in the middle of the night never to be mentioned again
But I'll watch while it last

But I'll watch while it last

bruce and conrad need to be in the same room and film with a professional camera
just my 2 cents![]()
You could just have it on in the background while you listen, like the audio podcast, if their faces and video quality bother you so much. It didnt effect the show on my end at all, but I agree a better camera on both ends would be more presentable.Couldnt watch it as the year 2000 webcams they were using were really hard on the eyes
I tried but damn up the production a little
Also 2 huge close ups on their faces is not a good shot either
Watching it now and it is just like their audio podcast, except with added footage/clips.
No complaints here, I just dont wanna see it watered down in the future or to end up like Austins podcast, being canceled for being to "real" in the eyes of Vince or other higher ups.
once vince sees this he's gonna blow a gasket.